Kids (Jaiden) / (Luktra)

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(My first time trying to write a Oneshot like this sooo... bear with me. :') And also, it's not incorrect spelling, I'm just calling her Luna. Or maybe I should've called her Lluna? I don't know) 😊

But I'm writing this to try to stay awake for my girl. Jeez, this is hard. And also, don't worry, this is gonna be a 'kinda cheerful' Oneshot so don't get all weepy.)


Jesse smiled, opening his eyes to see Aiden sleeping peacefully beside him.

The two were in their bedroom, half asleep and dreaming as the sunlight streamed in from the open window. Jesse took a deep breath, feeling refreshed.

Everything... was so peaceful.

That is, until the alarm clock went off, making Aiden sigh in his sleep.

"Jesse.." he muttered, grabbing a pillow to block out the irritating sound, "Turn off that goddamn thing would you?"

Well, they did this everyday.

"Oh come on Aiden, do it yourself." the brunette told him with a small smirk, propping himself up with his elbow.

The other guy didn't move, seemingly sound asleep again.

However, when the alarm went off for the second time, Aiden muttered something and threw the pillow at the clock, making Jesse roll his eyes. He winced when the clock fell off the bedside table and onto the floor.

This was a typical thing, Jesse had to admit.

"Seriously babe," he laughed, "Must you destroy every single clock I replace?"

Aiden opened an eye, a brilliant lime green eye. And Jesse couldn't help but fall in love with him all over again.

He was just so.. perfect.

"Pretty much, darlin'. We have a lot of money don't we?" Aiden smirked, sitting up and kissing Jesse on the lips.

"But that's not the point," Jesse pushed him away, blushing furiously as they heard a knock on the door, "We have to set a good example or else."

The door clicked open, just in time for them to see a girl, clutching the arm of her little white teddy bear.

With her curious dark eyes and white-blond hair, she looked nothing like the two. But she was in fact, theirs.

"Hey Luna," Aiden yawned as the six year old walked over to their bed and hopped on it, making it bounce.

"Morning.." she yawned sleepily, hugging Aiden tightly. She rested her head against his chest, closing her eyes.

"Hey," Jesse laughed, holding out his arms, "Why don't I get any hugs?"

Luna opened her eyes and giggled a little before climbing over and giving him a hug too. Just to be fair.

"Where's Reuben?" Aiden asked Luna, who helped Jesse off the bed by pulling him off.

"Oh," the little girl gestured to the door, "He's eating in the kitchen somewhere.. but I woke up because Lukie called. He and Petra are coming over for a visit."

Aiden glanced at Jesse, who rubbed his head with his right hand, smoothing out his hair, "Oh.. I guess I forgot to tell you guys they're coming over. I was freaking tired, thanks to the paperwork."

"Oh righhht," Aiden drawled, "Blame it on the paperwork as always."

"Well, you always forget a lot of things in general, honey," Aiden laughed, "Like that time when you forgot to turn off the porch light or open the mailbox."

Jesse shoved Aiden aside playfully, pulling on a shirt and following Luna downstairs to the kitchen, where there was a young teenager wearing a light pink shirt and blue jeans at the table.

"Reuben?" Jesse yawned, "Jeez, your hair is as messy as always, kid."

The boy, Reuben, turned to show that he was in the midst of eating a peanut butter sandwich, "Oh hey people.." he swallowed, "I was getting lonely." he pulled up some chairs by kicking it towards them.

"Reuben, what did we say about your manners?" Aiden asked, but took the chairs anyway and helped Luna to sit. She gazed at her parents as they started to prepare their usual breakfast of toast and eggs.

"I dunno, but wait," Reuben spoke up, one hand on his sandwich and the other in the process of making another, "Lukas and Petra are coming over?"

Luna nodded, swinging her legs as Jesse set a plate of toast in front of her.

"I love them, Ruru.!" she grinned as she took a slice, "They're funny and tell us the best stories."

Aiden and Jesse shared a small smile as they listened to their children talk, back and forth.

"At least they can help me with my homework." Reuben replied, biting into his newly made sandwich. "Unlike our dads." he added, making Luna giggle even harder.

"Hey!" Jesse smiled, raising an eyebrow, "Of course I can help you with your homework Rueben, don't say that."

"Oh yeah?" Aiden snickered, picking up a slice of toast and peeling off the crusts to give to Luna, since she hated them. "You're the one who failed math back in school."

Jesse rolled his eyes and hit Aiden on the head, making Reuben snort into his sandwich with laughter.

The four sat around the table, telling jokes and just generally spending time together.


Luna pushed the sliding glass door open, laughing as Reuben followed her, excited to see their guests.

"Lukie!" she barrelled right into his outstretched arms, making him nearly fall backwards with the force. "Whoa there, sunshine." the blonde laughed, hugging her.

Aiden and Jesse smiled, their fingers intertwined as Petra high fived Reuben. Her usual gesture for him.

"Hey guys," Aiden waved as Lukas picked Luna up and spun her around, making her laugh. "Nice to see you again."

Petra walked up to the both of them and gave them a big hug, her auburn hair still at its usual length and her usual outfit. She looked like a grown up version of herself, but obviously more mature looking.

Lukas looked much more sophisticated, with his clean copper glasses and white shirt and jeans. With Luna in his arms, he seemed at ease and very used to having children around him.

"Someone looks relaxed," Aiden smirked, giving the blonde a shove on the shoulder.

Lukas pushed up his glasses with one hand, "I see you're still your charming self Aiden."

Jesse and Petra rolled their eyes as Aiden started to reply with a witty comment. Just like back in high school, Jesse thought.

"Are we gonna stand out here in the sun or are we going to go in?" Petra's voice called after almost fifteen minutes had passed, making the three flinch.

"Sorry, Pet," Lukas rolled his eyes, "I see you're still your charming self."

"Shut up Lukas, you can't call me Pet." she said back, listening as Reuben talked to her excitedly over his video games and books.

"We're married, Pet." Lukas laughed as he set Luna down on the floor to let her run around.

Aiden and Jesse sighed.

Lukas and Petra always bickered, no matter where or when just like when they were younger.

"At least the kids like them." Aiden said to Jesse, voicing his thoughts as they watched Luna playing with Lukas and Petra entertaining Reuben with a video game she had brought.

Jesse ran a hand through his hair, smiling.

This was what he loved. His family...

And he didn't regret them one bit.


(Oh no- I can feel myself going to sleep-) XD NO. NOOOoooooo.) But anyway, have two stories in one day.

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