Family Insanity (Jaiden)

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Family Insanity (Jaiden)

Aiden's PoV

A/N: The idea of Benedict and Reuben is from @//AidentheAuthor.

"Hey, you okay?"

Aiden looked up, hearing that familiar voice. The one he's grown to know and love.

"Hey." Aiden replied, smiling weakly as Jesse sat beside him on the floor, the two looking out at the window in front of them.

"Nah. Not.. really feeling my best right now." he continued, looking at his fingers which were absentmindedly twisting a non existent ring. A habit he always did whenever he got nervous or when he was thinking.

Jesse tilted his head a little, "What's wrong? You know you can tell me right?" he smiled a small smile.

Aiden leaned against Jesse's body, feeling tears start to form in his eyes. Why did his gentle voice always seem to make him want to cry? Maybe it was because there weren't that many kind voices left in this world..

"It's just so difficult sometimes. I mean.. I'm fine. I know I'm fine for now but I can tell.. I'm probably going to be upset again soon. Over nothing as per usual." Aiden mumbled as a reply.

Jesse held Aiden's hand gently, comforting him as the two sat together. "Hey, what did we say about this? If you want to be upset, go ahead. If you want to be happy, you can do that too. I understand."

"But the kids don't." Aiden muttered, "Luna won't understand once I start again. Reuben will think it's alright to.. to.."

"Hey.." Jesse made Aiden look at him, pushing away a strand of brown hair away from Aiden's eyes, "It's going to be alright. When you're upset again.. we can just tell them. I'm sure they'll understand."

"But Rueben's a teenager. And you know them.. they'd think it's.. cool or something but it's not." Aiden felt a tear slide down his cheek as he held his red marked arms close to his body, "That's what teenagers think."

"They think c-cutting yourself is such a-a cool trend... it's not. I-it's something I can't control. It burns. It hurts. And I just can't stop."

Jesse reached out, taking Aiden's shaking hands in his own and gently uncurling his clenched fists. "Deep breaths," Jesse whispered, smoothing back the other male's hair. "Okay?"

Aiden took a shaky breath, "What if Reuben... what if Reuben's like me? Mental?" he whispered under his breath, looking at Jesse with scared eyes.

Jesse shook his head, pulling Aiden close to wrap him in a warm hug, "You're not mental, Aiden," he told the trembling dark brown-haired male, "I love you, remember? No matter what you are."

"Luna?" Aiden muttered, still unsure.

"She's still her bubbly self, nothing to worry about." Jesse replied simply, pulling away and holding Aiden's hands.

He took another deep breath, and Jesse knew he was nearly calming down by now.

Which was a huge relief since Aiden usually got very riled up about his state of mind.. and it could sometimes go out of hand. Phew.

"You ready for dinner?" Jesse asked gently, looking down at Aiden as he looked up at him.

He sighed before nodding, taking Jesse's outstretched hand and letting him pull Aiden along to the dining room.


[Three Days Later]

Aiden paced around the room, fearful as Jesse tried to talk to him.

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