No Messages (Jesstra)

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Jess's PoV

Jess groaned, her head spinning. What time was it? She turned her head to see her clock glowing beside her on her bedside table. 12:01pm. "Jess, come on! Get up!" her mom exclaimed, walking past her room. "Are you sick?" she called.

Jess swallowed, her throat sore and scratchy. "Ugh, maybe. I don't know.. the room is spinning though." Jesse muttered to herself, blinking back the sunlight and running her hand across her bed, looking for her phone. "What happened to you?" Jesse, her brother asked, lying on the couch and using his phone. Jess shrugged, sluggishly making her way to the bathroom to wash up.

"Jeez, watch it!" her mom said, nearly bumping into Jess while carrying a bowl of soup. "Sorry.. I just can't think straight.. or even see straight for that matter." Jess replied, splashing her face with water to wake up.

After a quick shower, Jess sat on her chair, picking up her phone. "Hey." she saw Petra's message in her notifications. About an hour ago... other than that, nothing else. Didn't her friends check on her to see if she was okay, since she usually didn't wake up so late.

Such great friends I have, Jess thought, placing her phone on her table and grabbing her headphones. Maybe she should take a break from social media... just for that day. Nodding to herself, Jess slid her phone away, pulling out her sketchbook and listening to music on her other phone. With the familiar music in her head and the thumping drums, she was able to ignore that headache she had and relieve her stress by drawing.

About an hour later, Jess checked her phone. Still one message from Petra and nothing else, except a reminder to clean her desk. No messages from Lukas, Olivia or Axel. Even though Jess had a crush on Petra for the longest time, it kinda hurt that Petra didn't seem to want to talk to her.

Putting on her headphones again, Jess started sketching again, occasionally checking her phone every hour. Still one message. Nothing else. Each hour, Jess went to sit on her bed, lie on the floor and hang out at her balcony. It was kinda peaceful, not getting bothered by anyone for once.

Maybe something happened to her friends? Jess's pencil paused, that sudden thought occurring to her. "Hey Jesse?" she called to her brother. Jesse nodded to show that he was listening. "Have you heard from any of our friends?" Jess asked.

Jesse put down his book and picked up his phone. "One message from Aiden... he says he has a new pie he baked... weird. And a message from Petra. She's wondering if she could hang out with me."

Jess slumped in her seat, lying back on the pillows and silently drawing again. So Petra wanted to hang out with Jesse instead of her? Well, okay. Jess could handle that. Looking at the ceiling, Jess wondered what Petra was doing. Was she bored without Jess? Maybe not.

By 6pm, Jess was kinda amazed that she managed to stay away from social media the whole day. Of course, she barely received any messages so that wasn't a big achievement..

The whole day has passed and she only received one message from Petra. Nothing else. After getting ready to go to sleep, Jess sat on her bed, staring at her phone. She felt empty... lost. It seemed like no one cared about her.. no messages, no emails. Nothing.

Jess buried her head in her hands, feeling lonely. Maybe the next day... would be better.


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