Monster (Aidkas)

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Warning: Jesse being a dick. (*cough* I mean- oh god- i forgot i'm family friendly- I MEAN, JESSE BEING A PAIN IN THE BOOTY- yeah I think that's fine) :)

Lukas's PoV

"I told you to leave me alone, Jesse." Lukas told the brunette monotonously, trying to read his book as Jesse smiled slyly, "Oh come on Lukie-."

"Don't call me that." Lukas interrupted him, finding it difficult to concentrate on the words as he tried to read, "I told you so many times that we're over, okay?"

Lukas was currently trying to read, sitting by the window and spending time alone. And trying to distance himself from Jesse, his ex-boyfriend, who was pouting at him from the table in front.

Apparently, someone obviously didn't get the hint.

"I've already told you so many times," Lukas sighed, not closing his book, "I hated what kind of relationship we had. You hit me."

"On accident, Lukie. Come on, please forgive me!" Jesse whined, holding onto the front of the desk, trying to make Lukas notice him.

The blonde ignored him but unable to focus. "Jesse please," he sighed, "Leave me alone."

Jesse sat on the desk, flattening the book Lukas was reading and staring at his eyes, "Nope." he said simply, "Now either you play nice and be my boyfriend again or I'll tell everyone every single bad thing you've done."

Lukas narrowed his eyes, "I'm pretty sure if you searched up a description for blackmail, this is how you'd describe it, Jesse."

Jesse shrugged, "Well, your reputation is at stake here, Lukie." he smiled, using his thumb to stroke Lukas's cheek, "You know what I can do."

Lukas leaned back a little, his chair hitting the wall since he was sitting in the back row. There wasn't anyone to help him, since he always stayed inside during recess. So everyone else would be outside.

"You're the one who blackmailed Axel, didn't you?" Lukas whispered under his breath as Jesse looked his nails, which were trimmed neatly. "So what if I did?" he replied with a smug smile.

"You're a monster, Jesse." Lukas snapped, glaring right into Jesse's dark green eyes. Who knew how those innocent looking green eyes could actually hold so much evil? "You just tear everyone down even though-."

Jesse slammed his hand against the wall, narrowly hitting Lukas, but at the same time, caging him against the wall.

The blonde flinched, remembering how Jesse had hit him previously, just because he didn't want to hang out with him. His abusive, manipulate boyfriend.

"So?" Jesse asked, "Do you want to play nice or I'll send you away just like how I did to Axel? That poor boy was never the same after I was done with him, remember?" he grinned.

"I-.." Lukas didn't know what to say. How could he have ever fallen in love with such a repulsive person?

"Time's ticking, Lukie," Jesse sang, "Choose or I'lll choose for you. And believe me," he gently ran a hand across Lukas's arm, "You don't want me to be mean to you. I'd hate to see you go."

Lukas winced when Jesse gripped his arm tightly, wanting to pull out of his grasp but the other boy was too strong.


They turned to see a classmate of theirs, his eyes glaring at Jesse angrily, "What are you doing? Let him go!"

Lukas pulled out of Jesse's now slack grip, holding his arm close to his chest as it stung with pain. He looked at the boy, who had placed down his books onto a table nearby.

"And who are you?" Jesse asked him, a smile on his face, "I'm pretty sure I've never seen such a handsome face before." he giggled as the boy scowled.

"I've been your classmate for the past two years, Jesse." he slammed down his books, making Lukas's flinch again, "Now move away from Lukas or I'll personally break your legs and move you myself."

Jesse's smile wavered a little, glancing at Lukas, who was still holding his arm close to himself.

"Don't worry Lukie," Jesse purred, "I'll talk to you later, alright?" he stroked Lukas's cheek and waltzed away, not looking at the boy, who Lukas recognised as the quiet kid. He usually sat a few desks away from Jesse and Lukas but sadly, that was all he knew about him.

"Stupid blundering fool." the guy muttered as Lukas timidly looked at him. The boy had incredibly smooth brown hair, and was wearing a green shirt with gold buttons. With blue jeans and a rather worn out pair of shoes, he looked.. neat but somehow cool. Something Lukas couldn't describe.

"Thank you.. for chasing him away." Lukas told the boy, who looked over at him disapprovingly.

"You gotta stand up for yourself, you know." he advised Lukas, propping his head up with his arm, "I've known Jesse for two years and he's been a total idiot to the boys in the class."

"First it was Romeo, then Axel. Now you. Heck," the guy pushed up his hair a little, purposely messing it up, "He even tried to have a pass at me but I'm not going to take his bullshit."

There was a pause as the boy narrowed his eyes at Lukas. "What, you don't swear?" he asked when Lukas flinched at his last word, "Huh.. I guess I should watch my language then."

Lukas was... grateful, to say the least. This boy was just talking to him, his words somehow had a strange sort of calmness to it, something Lukas wasn't used to. And it was... like he could relax. For the first time in awhile.

"Aiden." Lukas whispered under his breath, suddenly remembering.

"What?" the guy turned to him, raising an eyebrow.

"Aiden Mercer, right?" Lukas looked at him, "I remember you."

"How fun, Lukas Porter," Lukas saw him smirk a little, "Only now you remember my name?"

"You're always so quiet." the blonde told him, sitting back down on his chair; not taking his eyes away from Aiden's.

He watched as the other boy leaned back, the chair lifting up so that it only balanced on two legs, "I guess. I'd rather not associate with people I don't trust. Like that Jesse guy."

"And.." Lukas gestured to himself.

Aiden glanced at him with a small smile, "You seem like a nice guy so.. I guess I do trust you if that's what you're thinking."

Lukas felt a little... touched. This Aiden guy.. actually trusted him.

"I.. can be your friend if you want to." Lukas held out a hand, unsure if Aiden's would actually take it.

To his surprise and amusement, Aiden reached over to shake Lukas's hand, momentarily forgetting that he was balancing precariously on the chair and suddenly falling forward and onto the floor.

"Aiden Mercer!"

Lukas nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a someone call out Aiden's name. He looked up to see Miss Simmons, standing up at her desk. "For the fifth time this week, stop falling out of your chair."

Aiden rolled his eyes and picked himself up. He smoothed down his clothes and gave Lukas a small wink, before turning to their teacher, who sat back down, hidden amongst her books.

"And for goodness sake, child," she sighed, gesturing for him to sit down as more students streamed into the classroom. "It's about time you finally made a new friend."

Lukas glanced at Aiden, who nodded and sat back down on his chair.

A new friend, huh.. Lukas smiled at the thought. Just what he needed.


(This is to make up for my Aidkas book :') I'm still upset I didn't get to continue it. Maybe someday, when I finally think of a way to save it but anyway, would you guys mind if I put in some chapters about my OCs, Chase and Forest? I mean, they rarely get a mention and I guess I should include them in somewhere.. but it's totally fine if you don't want me to write about them ☺️)

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