Chpt. One

87 4 0

May 17, 2014

Dear Diary,

Hdhehdjey (sorry random moment there)

Anyway, I should probably go greet the arriving guests. Today should be fun! {Note The Sarcasm!!}


Leah Briggs

Leah's POV

"Sweetheart, come downstairs! Meet us outback! We love you!" Mom yelled from the living room. "Sure, one sec..." I replied while slipping my diary under my pillow. I dash across the room looking for my shoes. Once I spot my pink converse I slip them on and grab my phone from its dock.

I close my door lightly and jog downstairs. No one is down here so they must be out- "SURPRISE!!!" People yell jumping out of everywhere. "Oh my flap-jacks! This is awesome!" I giggle. "Come on, sweetie! We have to open your presents!" Mom says excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" I yell. Laughter surrounds me and a blush creeps its way onto my cheeks. As we make our way over to the presents, there are two REALLY big ones in the back. "I want to open them first!" I yell while running at the boxes.

I hear someone giggle but its dead silent in hear. But that giggle... "KAYLA!" I yell so loud some people look shocked. She jumps out of the box and Finn comes out of the next one. "FINN!" I yell again. They both engulf me into a big hug. "Guys...Need...Air!" I gasp from lack of oxygen to my lungs.

They both mumble 'sorry' and let go. Once I can breathe right again, I rip into the presents. The first presents are clothes; that are really cute by the way! The next five or six consist of necklaces and earrings and such. After those presents, I get to the good ones; the money ones. They, for some reason, are always last. I first get about $50 which is usual, but it gets higher; $75, $100, $125, all the way up to $250. I smile and hug everyone that gave me them.

"Honey, can we talk to you?" Dad asks. "What do you mean 'us'? Only you are here." I point out. He seems to realize what I had said and tells me to look upstairs for my mom. I hear noise in my bathroom and head over to see what is wrong.

At the sight I nearly faint. "DAD!! DAD!! COME HERE!! HURRY!!!" I scream. He comes rushing in and he looks as pale as a ghost. He tells me to call 911 and I whip out my phone and dial the number. "911, what is your emergency?" A lady asks through the line.

"We need an ambulance!" I nearly shout. I tell her our address and within minutes. They lift her onto a stretcher and tie her up. They lift her up into the ambulance and Dad follows. "Leah, you have to stay here." He mutters. "O-Okay." I stutter and walk into the house.

Great. On my birthday, too. I run into my room and slam the door. I crawl into a ball in the corner of my room and silently sob. I slowly start to get up only to crawl back into my comfy bed. I curl into another ball and cry myself to sleep.

>Next Day at School<

I walk through the hallways in complete silence; trying to avoid any human contact. Yes, my mom had died. Yes, she had committed suicide. Yes, she took too many pills. This made me feel unwanted. I finally make it to my last class which happens to be English; the class my mom had taught.

I sat away from the front and in the back corner. We were told to do anything until we have to leave so yeah. I pull my phone out and outline the cute little decorations on the case. The base color is a mixture between green and blue. The bottom half has a little bit of lace on it with some pearls mixed in. There are some pearls drifting towards the top where a cute white bow is place. My phone case is so cute. //CASE ON SIDE//

In the middle of class, which isn't going on, my phone starts ringing. I decline; I'm in no mood to talk. So instead I find out it was my Dad and send him a text.


What? I'm in class.


We're moving get pack when you get home.


For real? Are you serious? I'm staying here!


You have no choice. You're coming!

I shut off my phone and shove it into my back pocket. Just in time the bell rings. Great! I get to go home! Ugh!


I fumble with the lock on the front door and swing it open. The movers are where waiting outside for me the whole time. Dad left the ticket for the plane ride on the table. But, there's only one ticket. So I'm going alone? Where am I going? The only other family is in Sydney. Oh, goody.

>At the Airport<

"Darling, your flight is boarding!" The annoying flight attendant lady said. I nod and hand her my ticket. "Seat 12, please." She smiles. I nod and head to my seat. I plug in my ear buds and play my loads of music on shuffle.

Someone keeps lightly tapping my shoulder. It's getting annoying. "All the passengers are off; nobody wanted to wake you." She said emotionless. I nod my head and grab my carry-on bags. I walk out of the plane and to the luggage return.

Wow, Sydney is a lot different than I thought it'd be.

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