Ch.1 A new beggining

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(L/N)= last name
(F/N)= first name

" I will follow you wherever you go, you are the new light in my life. I will be there whenever you need me. I love you..."


Your P.O.V






"OMG WHAT?!?!" You yelled as you ran all the way downstairs to see who was ringing your doorbell while your bed head was flopping around..

*swings door open*

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?!" Suddenly you noticed a tall figure with reddish hair looking at you as if he had seen a scary image. You open your eyes wider to see... It's Kagami. " Kagami?!?! What are u doing here???????? It's 5 Am in the morning!"

Kagami:"Well hello to you too (F/N)...." *sarcastic tone*

*You give him a very unimpressed look*

Kagami: "Damn you look so ...scary."

*you slap him on the arm*

Kagami: "OW.. I was just kidding."
*rubs his arm in pain*
"Well okay, anyway to answer your question me and Kuroko were wondering if you wanted to walk together to school today?"

"Oh okay sure!!!", you said closing the door in Kagami's face.

Kagami: "OI!!!!!... Ugh. YOU BETTER BE READY BY 5:30!!!!! ".

"Yeah yeah whatever!" You quickly get into the shower and start your morning routine.

To be truly honest, you were a really shy girl, you played by yourself as a child and it was always quiet around you. Books were your best friend. You were raised in the country side of Japan and moved to the city. Everything was so different when you moved to the city. It was loud, busy, and there were a lot of mean people (also creepy people but lets not talk about those ones...). Anyway you had to move into the city because your father had decided to become a businessman to make sure that the family would be successful. So in other words you couldn't say "no" to moving to the city. The most closest highschool to the house you moved in was "Serin". For the first 3 weeks of school it was lonely. It seemed like everybody had already chosen who was going to be their friends and who was neglected and ignored. The bad part was you were the neglected one.
Until one day...


"Baka..." As u hit him with your school bag. "It's only 5:41!"

Kagami:"OW, what is it with you???? I'm not a punching bag!"

*you sticked out your tongue at him*

Kagami: "ugh whatever lets go..."

Kagami to you was like an older brother. He was one of your first friends at Serin and tried to support you in everything (even though he sucked at helping girls).

*both of you start walking to the meeting spot which was Kagami's favourite resteraunt where he gets his mountain of burgers. *

Kagami: "Hey Kuroko!" *waves*

Kuroko: *waves back*

You walk up to Kuroko, your face turning a little red... "Hello Kuroko-kun!"

Kuroko: "Hello (L/N)-San, I'm glad you came. It's a more fun when you're around. Plus, Kagami is very noisy every time I walk with him."

Kagami: "HEY, I'm only screaming because you keep disappearing every 10 seconds then you give me a heart attack! So I scream some more! "

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