Ch.13 A lucky Charm

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Your P.O.V

You finally got to the fast food burger place. You started to look around the area to see if any letters were lying around. Finally you look at the front doors of the store and saw a letter taped on the door. You run up to it and pick it up. The letter said:

Dear (L/N)-San,

If you found this letter it means you solved the first riddle! Congratulations!

Now you have to find 2 more. I can't wait to see you, so hurry up! The next riddle is :

A place to study

A place to read

A place where I love to go

You must be quiet or else you'll be in trouble.

A place where I fell love with a girl.

You closed the letter then notice something bulging in the envelope again...

You opened it and saw a charm. It was the colour blue and then you suddenly remembered.


You and kuroko-kun were walking to school together.

"(L/N)-San.... I'm a bit nervous for today." Kuroko-kun said

"Huh??? Why??"

"Well we're going to be playing against Shūtoku today and one the generation of miracles are gonna be there. I'm just a little worried that we might lose or I might not be strong enough."

".... Kuroko-kun don't worry! I think your the best basketball player ever! I will be cheering you on, and I know that you will win!"

"Thanks (L/N)-San..." Kuroko said while giving a small smile.

Suddenly you see a woman on the sidewalks selling charms.

"Kuroko-kun come here!" You say as you pull kuroko-kun's arm to the direction of the lady.

"Hello! Do you have any good luck charms?" You ask the lady.

"Ah yes we do! Would you like to buy one?" The lady said.

"Yes please, I'd like the light blue one."

"(L/N)-San you don't have to......" Kuroko said while tapping your shoulder lightly.

"No,no, it's fine Kuroko-kun. I want to give you good luck for today"

You paid for the charm and give it to Kuroko-kun.

"Here, do your best today!"

"...thank you (L/N)-San I will try my best." Kuroko said while taking the charm and smiling.

Suddenly you feel something on your head.... And noticed it was kuroko-kun's hand.

He started patting your head.

"You really are a good friend (L/N)-San..." Kuroko-kun said smirking.

You started to blush and you heart started beating faster.

"Thank you..." You said softly and hid your face from him.

And with that, both of you started heading to school again.

Later that day you found out that Kuroko-kun had one the game against Shūtoku.

"Kuroko-kun!!!!!" You ran up to him and hugged him.

He was just getting back from the game.

"Congratulations Kuroko-kun! You won! I told you so!!!!!" You didn't notice but your arms were still wrapped tightly against him.

"Oi... Go get a room if both of you are gonna be all romantic." Hyuga-Senpai said as he passed by us.

You quickly released your grip on Kuroko-kun and backed away, blushing.

"Hyuga-Senpai we aren't dating.." You said to him.

"Yea yea whatever.." Hyuga-Senpai replied sarcastically.

"Anyway thank you (L/N)-San. For showing support towards the team and to me." Kuroko-kun said while patting my shoulder.

"You're welcome... Well it's my job of course to to support the team, I am part of the Serin's basketball family aren't I?

"Yup that's right!!" Kagami said while coming towards me for a high five.

"Anyway team let's go celebrate!" Riko-Senpai announced.

The team started to leave, but then suddenly Kuroko-kun grabbed you and told me to stay for a minute.

".... Um what's wrong Kuroko-kun?"

"Nothing is wrong I just wanted to personally thank you for your charm. I figured if I said thank you for your charm in front of the team you would get embarrassed by them because they would think we are a couple." Kuroko said smiling.

Your heart again started beating rapidly again and you didn't know why.

"No problem... It's just a gift." You smiled sheepishly.

Suddenly he grabbed your hand and held it.

"K..Kuroko-kun???!" You said surprised.

"During our game against Shūtoku I had your charm around my wrist. All I could think about was you. When I thought that we were at our last straw and that we were about to lose I thought about you and then I got the power to keep going. I knew that... I needed not to only win for the team, but I needed to win for you."

He said gripping my hand even tighter while smiling at me softly.

You didn't know what to say you were so shocked..

"Kuroko-kun...." You were flustered and you were blushing a deep shade of red.

"I know I keep saying it but.. I really mean it. Thank you. I'm gonna bring this charm to every game I have, so whenever I look at it, it will remind me that I need to win because I'm fighting for you."

He let's go of your hand..

You didn't know what to say.

It felt like your heart was gonna explode, but you didn't know what to do.

"C'mon (L/N)-San let's catch up with others." Kuroko-kun said while tugging your arm.

You snapped back into reality again.

"Okay..." You said shyly.

*flashback ends*

" all along he did keep this charm....." You smiled to yourself in amazement.

"Kuroko-kun you continue to amaze me."


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