Ch.17 Don't run...

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Kagami's P.O.V

I was chasing Kise after he abruptly left in the alleyway..

"Darn it.... I lost him." I said as I came to a stop.

What happened to him? He totally looked like a different person when he ran away. Before he left, his eyes turned dark and then his face turned serious, almost as serious as when he plays against Aomine. His hands were rolled up into fists. How he ran... It was almost like he was flying like he knew where everything was and nothing stopped him... It was like he was in some kind of zone... The thought kinda made me feel strange.

"I need to find him..." I start walking around trying to see if I could find the blonde running.

"Where was he running to? Does he even know where he is going????"

Suddenly I remembered he needed to talk to (F/N)..

"Oh no...."

If Kise accidenlty spoils the moment for Kuroko and (F/N).... I am to blame. I know Kuroko has been having a very hard time releasing his feelings toward (F/N) and I want to help.. And right now I need to find Kise.

Suddenly I got a phone call...

I looked at the caller ID and saw it was momoi...


"KAGAAAAAAAMI!" Momoi sang cheerfully on the other end.


"Oh? I'm sorry Kagami-kun... I'm just too excited! Are you heading toward the park now? It's almost noon. (F/N) should be there by now and we need to be there to celebrate!"

"Ummm.. We have a slight problem... I ran into Kise and it seems like there's something he really had to discuss with (F/N).... And it must be serious because he ran from me!"

"Mmmm.... I think I know. Don't worry I know exactly where Kise is going to go. And I know exactly how to fix this problem". Momoi said sadly..

"Well.. Okay. Should I head to the park then?"

"Yes... Aomine is already there, he'll meet up with you. I'll see you later."

"Ok bye."

I hung up.

"I hope you know what your doing momoi....."

I started heading to the park.


Kise's P.O.V


You need to run to her.....

You don't have much time left....


For some reason my legs knew where they were going and I didn't have any control of them..

I remembered which way (L/N)cchi was walking to after she left the library.

And I had a sense that maybe I could catch up to her...

"I can't lose her.... I don't want to. This is the first time I've ever felt like this towards a girl." I whispered

All the girls that I've met have either only liked me for my looks or just want to be popular by dating me... I've never met a girl who has enjoyed being around the natural me.. I've never met a girl who has liked me for who I am. Well that is until I met (L/N)cchi...

She didn't care when I acted like a child or when I was over-dramatic. She actually saw who I was inside. I've been longing for a person like that and... I just can't bear to lose her.

I was so frustrated at the moment.... I mean everything happens for a reason but... Why?! Why do I have to be the one that gets hurt? I clenched my fist together again. I want to be happy! I want to be happy for once in my life again! I want to be happy with (L/N)cchi! Is that to much to ask?

I suddenly reached a park..

"Huh? ... Is that the way she went?" I said curiously.

"Well... I've got to see If she's here, it's my only chance."

I walked into the park... And noticed a beautiful body of water and a forest of trees close by...

"Wow... This is a pretty park."

Suddenly I see a familiar figure walking towards someone...

I squinted to see if I could get a better glimpse and suddenly...


I turned around and saw momoi-cchi?!

"Momoi-cchi?... What are you doing here...?"

Momoi-cchi approached me slowly.

And suddenly my body started backing away.

"Kise-kun.....I want to show you something."

"What??? What do u need to show me?!" I said in panick.

"Kise-kun... Stop. You don't need to be afraid."

Momoi started coming closer..

I was about to run when something grabbed my arm softly.

"Kise... Don't run. Put away those hurt feelings and relax.."

Suddenly she hugged me from behind...

I started to tear up.

"I want to show you... (F/N)"


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