Ch.3 Give up

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Kagami's P.O.V (this is during the time you were at the principles office)

I was walking around the hallways because I was getting bored in math class when suddenly.


"OWWW WHAT THE HELL?? Who hit me in the head?!"

I turn around and see...nothing?

"Huh????? ... Am I imagining things?"

Then a familiar voice came out of nowhere.. "Hello Kagami-kun."

I turn around and see it's Kuroko!!!


"Stop screaming please, you're gonna get us both in trouble." Kuroko whispered as he covered my mouth with his hand.

I pushed his hand away "okay so what are you doing here anyway?"

"I came because I saw (L/N)-San going to the principles office and when I tried to talk to her she started running away... Did you do something?"

"OI, why do you think I did something?"

"Cause your Kagami, and you always lead to trouble." Kuroko said quite seriously.

"EH? Well first of all I didn't do anything, I was just asking her what happened in English class and then she started to go all GORILLA MODE on me.. And why do you care?"

"Well you were the one who tripped her... so it's your fault, girls are always right so I want you to go say sorry to her please Kagami-Kun. I care because she is one of our friends. Nothing matters to me more than my friends."

"Are you sure she is just a friend to you?" I asked.

"To be honest... I don't even know myself."


Kuroko's P.O.V

I was gonna see if Kagami-Kun had apologized to (L/N)-San when I came to her classroom and I saw her running up to Kagami and embracing him. I don't know why I felt very hurt.

I don't know why I felt so surprised.

I don't know why...I just wanted to run away, in which I did.

I heard her calling my name. But my legs kept going, they were sprinting as fast as they could go. I wanted to stop, but something told me to run.

I ended up going to the rooftop. I looked up to the sky and I thought to myself.

Ever since that day.... I've changed.

I've always wanted to make her happy. For some reason when she was happy, I was happy. I've never really showed it, but I try to show it the best way that I can. She's almost all that I think about, maybe even more than I think about basketball. What is this feeling? I feel like every time I try to make her happy, something goes wrong. She fell on me in English and ran away. I tried to talk to her in the halls and she ran away. I went to go comfort her after her math class, but I guess I was the one who ran away. I feel like I should give up.. I need to stop trying, cause I know that we aren't meant for each other.

"Just like how the moon can never reach the sun..."


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