Ch.9 Family and Friends

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Your P.O.V


"Kuroko-Kun ummm can I eat lunch with you again...?"

"Sure, of course (L/N)-San." My blue haired best friend said.

Ever since that day when the older senpai's bullied me and Kuroko-Kun saved me we became even closer. We got to know each other more and we started to become best friends! Kuroko-Kun almost knows every detail about me..and yet I don't know as much about him. But I know that sooner or later I will.

"Oi Kuroko!" A tall red haired boy came running to Kuroko-Kun.

"Hello Kagami-Kun." Kuroko-Kun said

"Coach says she wants a team practice right now in the gymnasium to train more to go against our next school" said the red haired boy.

"Really? Hmm ok i'll be there." Kuroko said.

"Ummm (L/N)-San would you like to eat lunch at our team practice? I don't want you to be alone so please come." Kuroko said.

"Ummm but.. I ... Umm..." You stuttered nervously.

Kuroko chuckles "don't worry about the senpai's they are very nice, aren't they Kagami-Kun?"

This is what I like about Kuroko-Kun he always knows what is wrong with me...

"Umm yeah! They are nice to girls! Oh I guess I haven't properly introduced myself... I'm Kagami. Kagami Taiga!"

"Oh um nice to meet you.. I'm (L/N) (F/N)... And I guess I'll come." You say very softly.

Kagami smirks "Heheh I like this girl, I think we're gonna become good friends."

"Well lets head off to practice." Kuroko-Kun said grabbing my arm

"Okay.." I blushed at his sudden action

Kagami just stared at us with a kind of passionate admiration look.

*At practice*

"Wow they are really good..." I stare amazed at the light and shadow duo.

"Yup they are!"

I turn around and see a girl with brown short hair coming towards me..

"Hi! I'm Riko Aida. I'm Serin's basketball coach. Are you Kuroko-kun's girlfriend?"

"Oh no no no! We're just friends!" I blush intensly. "Also my name is (L/N) (F/N)!"

"Hmmm... I see" she smirks.

Suddenly she blows her whistle and brings the team in. Kagami smiles and waves at me and Kuroko-Kun just waves.


"Gahhhhhhhhh?!?!?! No no no I'm just a friend of Kuroko-Kun!" I bow down at them and blush furiously.

"Ohhhhhh.... So you're kuroko's girlfriend." A boy with glasses comes up to me and puts his arm around me.

"No no no!! I'm just a friend his friend!"

"Call me Hyuga-senpai." The boy with the glasses say.

" umm hyuga-senpai we are just friends!" I say

"Hehehe don't worry we're just joking..." A boy with black hair came up to me while giggling.

"My name is Izuki btw" he said.


"So guys what do you think?" Riko said.

"Yeah I like her..." Hyuga-senpai said

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