Ch.4 Love is Blind.

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Your P.O.V

"Where did he go??? Why did he run away..?" I said out loud quietly.

"C'mon (F/N) lets go, we can look for him later, lunch hour is almost done.." Said Kagami

"Kagami is Kuroko-Kun okay?"

"Umm I dunno know.."

"You're hiding something aren't you?"

"No.." He said with a sweat drop running down from his forehead.

"YOU'RE LYING! What's wrong with Kuroko-Kun???" I screamed at him.

"Okay look (F/N).. It's not up to me to tell you. Why don't you go ask him?"


"Are you on your period or something cause you've been screaming a lot and you're having mood swings........?" Kagami said as he smirked.

"GRRRRRRRRRRRR AHHHHHGGGHHHHH!" I screamed as I hit him in the head with my backpack which was filled with 3 textbooks.

Kagami laid unconscious on the floor.

I walked over Kagami and decided that lunch wasn't really important so I continued to look for Kuroko-Kun.

I checked almost in every class, I checked outside, I even checked in the damn library where he usually hangs out!!!

I was about to give up when suddenly I screamed out .


I ran up the stairs to the roof and opened the door. And I saw the person I was looking for.


I screamed out running to him and embracing him from behind.

I turned his body around so we were face to face but what I saw wasn't Kuroko. His hair was covering his face, I couldn't see his beautiful blue eyes. One of his hands were folded into a fist and the other swayed like it was helpless. He was not smiling, it was more of a frown.

"KUROKO-KUN?! What happened are you okay??? Why did you run away? I only hugged Kagami! Kuroko can you hear me?" I was on the verge of almost crying.

Kuroko then shook his arms so my grip was no longer on him and swiftly walked away.. And the last thing that I heard from him was



Your P.O.V

I was flustered.. What just happened?

I couldn't move.. I couldn't speak. It was like everything just froze.

Suddenly a teacher came..


All I could say was "yes."

I walked slowly to my class, still in a state of shock and asking myself the same question "what happened?"

Am I missing something?

Did I do something?


I got into class and sat down. This was one of the classes that I didn't have with Kagami or Kuroko-Kun. I was kinda glad because if I saw Kuroko-Kun I don't know how I would react. But at the same time I kinda needed Kagami because I need someone to hold me right now cause I feel like I'm falling apart.

I tried to stop myself from crying, but I couldn't. In the middle of class I broke down. My teacher told me to go home so I can relax. It's good that this was one of the nice teachers.

While I was walking home I stopped by the park and sat on the swing..

I replayed the image of Kuroko-Kun again. His body movements were not normal, his face didn't look like his normal poker face.

Then I just remembered.

"Oh no!!! I still have to work on the project with Kuroko-Kun! But wait I don't know if I'm prepared to see him again.."

I'll just text Kagami to tell Kuroko-Kun that I went home early and if we can continue the project tomorrow."

I texted him then I started going home when suddenly I saw...

"Kuroko-Kun?" I said in my head.

He was walking to my place and was holding a letter. He placed it in my mailbox then walked away.

I decided to follow him. Omg I'm such a stalker...wait I'm a friendly stalker!

He walked all the way to the food place where Kagami eats his burgers.

Then all of a sudden

"Kuroko!!! Hello!! I got your text!"

It was a pink haired girl running towards him. She was very pretty.. And she had very big... Um.. Melons.

She ran up to Kuroko-Kun and hugged him and surprisingly Kuroko-Kun hugged back. He was actually smiling?

My heart was breaking once again.

"Thank you for coming.. Momoi-san. I'm sorry if it was all of a sudden, I was having a very bad day." Said Kuroko.

He was having a bad day...? Was that because of me?

I started backing away.. When I bumped into a trash can.

Kuroko and momoi suddenly turned.

"Hmm? What was that Kuroko?" Said momoi.

"It was the wind or it was a cat walking by." He replied.

"Oh okay, let's go to our special spot okay?! You still remember where it is right???" Momoi said

"Of course.. I'll never forget. The treehouse behind the park" he said

I gasped in suprise, tears falling from my eyes.. " can't be."

"Yay! You remembered!!"momoi screamed

"Okay let's go."

They started walking away while I was hiding in a alleyway after I hit the trash can. I was about to leave when suddenly I heard..

"I love you Kuroko! Your the best boyfriend ever!"

I was gone..


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