Ch.2 Keeping up

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"I'm so embarrased..." You say while looking at yourself in the mirror in the restroom. "I can't believe I fell on top of him, I know it was by accident but for some reason I have butterflies in my stomach." You say in your head.

You start replaying the moment in your head. How he grabbed you, and how you fell on his chest jut inches away from his beautiful light blue eyes.

You start blushing again.. "Argh... What's wrong with me? It was just a helpful gesture that he did for me.."

You start washing your face with cold water.

*bell rings*

"Oh no, I have to get to class!"

You start running to your next class which was math. Luckily you didn't have math with Kuroko, only with Kagami.

"Hey (F/N)! What happened during English class?" Said Kagami as he winked.

"YOU HAPPENED!! You had to be a little Baka and trip me which made me fall on KUROKO-KUN!" You yelled frustratedly.

"Hehe it was just a joke and an accident why are you so annoyed? Do you like him??" Kagami smirks.

"EHHHHHH?? Why would I like him he's just a friend!" You laugh nervously.

"Mhm.. Sure."

"BAKA!!!!!!!!!" You scream at him while you push him off his chair.

Suddenly the teacher came in right when you pushed him. "(L/N)!!! I SAW THAT, GO TO THE PRINCIPLE AND EXPLAIN YOUR ACTIONS!"

"But..but.." You say in a suprised tone.

"NO BUTS! JUST GO!" The teacher yelled.

You start trudging your way to the principles office while you were cursing in your head about Kagami.

"Why is today such a bad day?"


Kuroko's P.O.V

I was walking to the restroom when I saw (L/N)-San walking in the hallway towards the principles office.

"(L/N)-San!" I tried walking up to her.

But then right when she saw me she just started running away. Did I do something wrong?

"Hmm....I think I'll have to talk to Kagami later."


Your P.O.V

"Omg why does Kuroko-Kun have to show up now?!?!?!?" I say as I start running faster to the principles office.

I finally get there and I apologize to the principle for causing unnecessary commotion because if I said anything else I would probably get detention. I can't afford to do that because I have to meet Kuroko-Kun after school.

I started walking back to class again, trying to keep a lookout for Kuroko-Kun. Luckily he was nowhere to be seen.

I walked into class trying not to disturb the lesson and sat in my seat.

But all I could think about was Kuroko. Why was this happening now?

Finally class ended and I started packing up to go to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Hey.. (F/N), sorry for getting you in trouble" Kagami said in a very serious tone.

*sigh* "it's fine, I'm not that mad anymore.."

"Really??? Oh.. I thought you were gonna beat me up. Okay I'm gonna make it up to you! I'll buy lunch, for both of us. How does that sound?"

*your eyes start twinkling from the sound of free food* "YESS PLEASE."

*you start hugging Kagami for his gesture*

When all of a sudden..

"Oh.. (L/N)-San, Kagami-Kun. I'm sorry for interrupting. I'll be on my way now." Kuroko said in a serious tone and walked away.

"Wait Kuroko?!" You yelled, breaking from the hug that you and Kagami had and started running into the hall to see if Kuroko was still there.

But he wasn't..

"Wait.... Kuroko-kun"


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