chapter one

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Today, I lost my job.

 But its okay because I didn't like my job, but it's not okay because without my job I can't pay for the bills i'm responsible for in the apartment.

See, it goes like this:

Ritchie is the super rich one (yet that's her actual name) so she pays for the rent of the apartment which is actually a very nice apartment. She is a model for local shoots and has been in some catalogs for mall stores. But even though she isn't an a-list celebrity, she still has a lot of money.

Alex is the guy who pays for groceries and food. He also pays the wifi bill because, well, he had to do something. He works at some club downtown.

Then there's me, Cher, who pays for netflix, electricity, and water.

And its not like I can just have somebody else start paying for it. We've had this apartment since we graduated and the rules have always been the same. If you don't pay what you're supposed to, you're out. So me without a job is not going to pay for any of my bills.

I HATED my job. I'm not even sure what it was. It was something stupid Ritchie got me into after we graduated and i had had it for about 2 years now. i called myself a fashion designer, but that's not what I was. Ritchie was friends with this chick Mandy who actually WAS a fashion designer. I just kind of, watched and would help fix minor flaws and colour mistakes and patterns and stuff. I guess I had "an eye for design" or something because basically i was the fixer upper. somebody else would sketch what they wanted their design to be, only they would do a shitty job on it, so they'd hand it to me so i could draw how it was actually supposed to look, so the people creating it would know how to make it.

And its just like "how the fuck do you lose such a simple job like that" and well , lets just say I had a lot of hangovers while going to work. That isn't really the reason I got fired though, they kinda gave away my job to somebody else because they were hoping they could promote me, only I'm not anywhere near ready to leave my area, so I declined. That's when they said they already hired someone else for my job.

I think that might be illegal . Or maybe not illegal, just really , really mean. I didn't even think they hated me. but i mean, walking in with a hangover every Monday, who really knows?

I didn't even like working there though. It was either they put too much work on me , or I sat there doing absolutely nothing. It was 3:2 ratio of working to not working, and it sucked either way. I don't even like drawing. Just because i'm good at it doesn't mean i wanna do it for the rest of my life.

So yeah , I'm not really sure if I'm supposed to be really happy or really depressed.

I'm feeling more on the depressed side.

Ritchie is being really comforting though. Which is good  guess, even though she knows just as well as I do that i'm going to get kicked out if I don't fix this quick. Just because we're a little trio of bestfriends doesn't mean they'll let me slide for free.

"it was stupid of me to even get you that job in the first place." Ritchie says while putting her hair into two perfect braids.

i shrug. "its not your fault i sucked at my job"

she turns around and glares at me. "you did not suck at your job. otherwise you wouldn't have gotten it in the first place." she turns back to the mirror and begins to run the flat iron over her braids.

Ritchie is actually really pretty. she has long blonde hair and big brown eyes and she is super tall and slim and super girly and she looks great in everything. i'm super jealous of her cause then there's me. i have long black hair with my bangs to side like the 2000's scene kid had, only not as bad & artificial looking. my eyes are green and i'm not girly at all. people say that i can be really cute and fun and sexy, but only when i try to be. otherwise i'm this weird lonely girl with big glasses and loves to read.

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