chapter six

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The early hours run smoothly and Alex and I get along subtly. We aren't fucking around like usual, but we aren't fighting like we were this morning, and I'd take this over that any day.

Lucifer comes in a little after we open and he orders that same blue drink he's gotten for the past few days. I decided that I shouldn't call him Ashton until I've at least talked to him about it, you know? And I'm not really sure how I'm going to bring it up anyway.

Should I ask to go to his house later so we can talk? Or should I do it here? Or should I tell him to come to my house later? Oh, I am so confused.

"Here's your drink Mr.Hood." I place the glass of blue liquid down on the counter in front of him, and lean against it.

"Go do your job, missy. Before you get your ass fired." He winks at me and smiles, making this incredibly harder. Because like, what if he gets mad at me? And his cuteness is intimidating and if he's mad he won't talk to me so I won't be able to see him be cute.

"Wow, you're thinking like Einstien..What's up?" He asks, I don't say anything. I glance behind me and look at Alex who gives me a tiny nod, letting me know that it's okay for me to talk to Lucifer right now, considering Alex knows what's up.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks again.

"Are you Ashton Irwin?" Wow, Nebraska. What a fantastic fucking way to bring that up. I could not be more proud of myself.

NOT! I can believe I just fucking did that. Why would I do that? Oh my god, I'm sweating.

My anxiety is out the roof, and my palms are sweating as I wait for his response. His maple coloured eyes stare angrily into mine.

"Come again?" He says, his voice calm. But I can tell by his eyes that he is not happy.

"Nothing, haha. I was just-" I pick up his glass and take a long sip of it so I don't have to say anything.

Next thing I know, he slapped the glass from my hand and it hits the floor with a loud crash.

"Why would you ask that?"

I bite my lip and look down. I know that everyone in the bar is looking at us for causing a scene.

I don't even have the courage to look over at Alex. He's probably dissapointed or something becuase of how I am handling this.

"Like what in the world made you even think that's okay to ask?"

"Because I wanted to know the truth, Ashton." My eyes fill up with tears as I look back up into his.

"Don't you dare fucking call me that name." He runs his hand through his hair and stands up, leaning against the bar, his face closer to mine. Like the time we kissed, only he's a lot more mad now...

"Don't you get it though? If you knew, then you would know that I'm clearly trying to hide it. So why would you just go bring it up like that? Why would you bring it up at all? Like do you even know anything? You don't know me. You don't know Ashton." He sighs. "How do you even know?"

"You look just like him."

"So you assumed from that?"

"Well, no. That's just part of it. Remember that laptop plug you gave me...? Well I used that for the laptop I found in the back room.." I say quietly.

He turns away from the bar for a second before looking me straight in the eyes. "You said it was for your old computer..."

I look down and break the eye contact. "I know...I just...I didn't know that it would have what it had on it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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