chapter three

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"Welcome you guys!" Liam says when me and Alex walk in. "Glad to have you on our team." He says to me and laughs. Alex takes me behind the counter and shows me the machines and types of orders. I don't know what made him think i could handle this. There's just so much you have to know. And I am not a bartender. Well I guess I am. Now.

"What's this?" I say, picking up a large bag of what looks like flour with an orange tint to it.

"Oh here," Alex says, looking around, almost as if he was making sure Liam wasn't around. "Let me show you."

He takes the bag away from me and carefully opens it. He grabs a handful of powder and-

"Alex oh my god!" I say while inhaling margarita mix, i assume by the smell.

"It's noon. Opening time." He winks at me while I stand covered in orange powder shit, laughing my ass off.

Now i remember why alex was my best friend.

The first half hour goes fast, me and Alex made up I guess, I still have powder in my hair, and we talk about work.

"How many people come in during the day?"

"It doesn't get super busy until after 6. Which by then we only have 2 hours left of working left anyway. Then we can go partaayyyy!" He says, giving me a nudge.

I shake my head. "No way I'm partying when I have to wake up so late. It makes me feel like I have a hangover."

"You probably did."

"I did not."

"Did too."

"Alright, Cherry. I believe you. For now." He smiles at me. I really am lucky to have a great bestfriend him. He always makes me smile even when I'm supposed to be mad at him. Stupid fucking friendships and shit. Friendshits. I giggle to myself.

"You know what we have, Alex?"


"We have a really good friendshit." I burst out laughing and so does he.

"Great now everyone is staring at us thanks to your awful joke." He says. I look around the bar and there are probably a total of 11 people here, but it is only 12:30.

"Who's the cutest guy here? Besides me clearly." He tucks his hands into his pockets and gives me a cocky look.

"You're so full of it Alex. It's annoying." I say, scanning the customers in the bar.

No one is really talking to eachother, most of the people are sitting by themselves with a drink and a cellphone. The youngest guy looks about 23, and the oldest looks about in his mid fifties. "Him," i say pointing.

The 23 year old sits by himself in a stool at the far left, nowhere near where i am. He stares into his already empty glass even though I Swear he just walked in here, ike 10 minutes ago. He seems sad almost, or angry. Or something. Or maybe he looks familiar..

"Hey," I nudge Alex, who was preparing a drink for a man who just came up to the bar. He looks about, ehh, 35. Older than me by far. I can't even legally drink.

Why the fuck do I work in a bar?

After nudging ALex I quickly realise that my small nudge wasn't actually as small as I thought, and the dude's vodka orange juice rum wine beer thing is suddenly all over the floor. Along with a broken glass.

"Shit!" I say, Alex gives me a stern look. Like when your mom would get mad at you for screaming or playing with your food kind of look. Even the man looks pissed at me. Well , I did ruin his drink. Oops.

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