chapter four

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Working at a bar isn't even fun. Especially after like, 6 when it turns into a club. I was wrong about the rain thing, by the way. People are still coming inside and it's getting hot and steamy and crowded and gross.

I guess I should just be happy that I have a fucking job, even though it's not actually legal and it's not very great. But I guess it is more exciting than drawing shit all day. Like my hands are permanently callused because of it, both left and right hands, cause I write with both. And now I make drinks with both, yay.

I guess it isnt too bad. Making drinks isn't difficult, and when I have no fucking clue what to do, Alex fixes it and I serve it riiiiiiiight up.

Some people are disrespectful but some people are also really great. Alex and i goof off a lot, causing Liam to handle somethings on his own, but I don't think he really minds considering we work all fucking day.

"Only 20 minutes until you've lived through your first day as a bartender." Alex says, wrapping his arm around me.

I wrap my arm around him as well. "I know man. Think I can live for 20 more minutes?"

"I know you can babe!"

After that he walks away to handle some customers and I'm not sure what to do, and I've only got 20 minutes left, so I go talk to Ashton.

"Its thundering out." I say, staring out the window behind him.

He puts down his phone and looks up at me. "Good observation." He. Fucking. Smiles. Again.

"So, Lucifer. I've got 20 minutes."

"Alright, Cherulla."


"Yeah, like Cher, like Chair, like Cherulla."

"I like it Lucifer." I smile at him. Stupid smile, I have the world's stupidest smile.

"So, you've only got 20 minutes left. Tell me about yourself."

"Well, what do you wanna know?"

"Everything," He says. "Fucking everything."

"I don't know," I shrug, still smiling. " I live a very exciting life."

The rest of my shift is spent talking to Ashton. Alex comes over a couple times to help him get drinks for people, but other than that, it's mostly just us talking.

I found out some things about Ashton, like he loves punk music , he's fucking 6 foot tall, he actually has really big hands, like we measured. I also told him about me, how my best friends are Alex and Ritchie, I only like mini pickles, I'm a vegetarian, stupid stuff like that. I'm gunna admit it was quite enjoyable.

Alex and I leave right after our shift is over, and I say goodbye to Ashton before leaving. I almost had a little slip up of calling him Irwie, but I didn't. I'll get used to it.

I don't think Alex likes me talking to Ashton though, because he wouldn't talk to me the whole ride home. Maybe its because the music was up so loud, but I think it's awkward that he didn't say anything to me at all.

"How'd it go babe!" Ritchie nearly tackles me as I walk through the door. I drop my bag and hug her back.

"It went pretty good I guess." I think my favourite part of it all was Ashton. Does she know about Ash? She's got to, for heaven's sake she goes there more than I do .

"She was flirting the whole time!" Alex says, teasingly. I guess if he can tease me like that, then he isn't mad at me for talking to Ashton.

"Omg, you what!" Ritchie squeals.

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