chapter two

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"no way alex. no way. i am NOT working here." i cross my arms and repeatedly shake my head.

he shrugs. "if you wanna stay in the house, you need a job, fast. and i can get you one.easy."

"do i have to strip?"


"pole dance?"


"sell sex?"

"no. sex on the beach maybe."

"make out with random people?"


"one night stands?"

"just take the fucking job please." he laughs.

"okay," i sigh. "but what DO i have to do?"

"serve drinks. it's seriously that simple. serve drinks to people . everyone. wether they're sitting down at the bar or wandering around the club, you gotta offer them a drink. it's not that hard"

"yeah, except i have no idea how to make drinks, OH , and i'm UNDERAGE."

"well don't scream it for the whole fucking world to hear you. you're barely too young."

"alex are you insane? i'm 19!" i lower my voice slightly, not that anyone could hear me in a loud dump like this anyway.

"just take the job. i enjoy living with you." he sighs.

i don't want to take this job. i really don't. i don't even think he is actually allowed to hire people, it's not like he is a manager. but i mean. nothing can get worse than redrawing shitty drawings , right? making drinks won't be too hard.

"fine. i'll work here. just until i can get a better job though."

"great, let's go talk to the manager."

alex takes my hand and leads me up to the bar.

"liam. yo, liam!" he yells , which catches the attention of what looks like a mid thirties guy. he had dark skin and nice smooth looking dark hair. he'd be amazingly attractive if he was under 30.

"hey man watcha need?" liam , i guess, says after they do some weird guy hug thing.

"this is my bestfriend/roommate, Cher. only she won't be my roommate for long if she can't find a job. she can get stuff done here right.?"

"totally!" liam says, and at that, i know he is gay. "she can work the day to evening shift, same as you."

alex looks at me and we walk to the other side of the counter, i assume so we can hear eachother better.

"you'll be working 12-8. same shift as me."

"you mean noon?" i ask

"yup," liam steps in. "daytime to evening. then you get off work everynight just in time to enjoy a few dances yourself."

"daytime? you're open during the day?"

"seriously Cherry? you never noticed me being gone during the day..?"

"uhh.." i never really did notice alex being gone during the day. i had to leave at fucking 7 am everyfucking day and didnt get back until like 6 or 7 PM cause i always stayed after. so no, i didnt.

"not exactly... i left earlier than you so i never really knew when you left..."

"oh my god Cher you're horrible" he laughs and rolls his eyes.

"what i want to know is why the fuck you're open during the day." i laugh, looking at liam

"well, it's 'bar in day, club at night.' pretty clever huh?" liam says, and we all chuckle.

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