Chapter 9 Confusion

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It's okay Natsu. We'll get through this...I'm here...we're here...your Family is here...


C: Confusion

After Natsu was finished crying he had fell unconscious. The days events had taken a huge toll on him. Mirajane smiled at Natsu and petted his pink (which if Natsu were awake he would of strictly object and of said something along the lines of 'It's not pink it's salmon, dammit!' and would of continued to pout and glare at the floor when they answered him with a laugh) hair.

Erza had offered to carry him back to the guild where the Master was waiting for them to return. As soon as they had entered the guild Erza took Natsu to the infirmary and laid him down on the bed that was prepared already for him.

Natsu's P.O.V.

When Erza left the room was when I stopped pretending to be asleep. I let my eyes open up and I sat up in the bed that was provided for me. I took a look around the brightly lit room. As I was taking a look around, the lights to the infirmary started to flicker on and off.

I looked at them in confusion, when they flickered, stopped, and went out completely was when I noticed that it suddenly got chillier. The room was now completely submerged in darkness.

When I looked to the corner of the room it seemed as though the darkness was...moving? What? Darkness can't move...can it?

Must just be my eyes playing tricks on me. I assured myself. Well, my eyes sure must be professional pranksters because the darkness was now right in front of me that I could touch it. Then it latched onto my hand.

I let out a blood curdling scream as it made contact with my skin. It freakin' burned me. It burned my hand.

Okay, let me reframe this. I'm a fire maze, I make fire. Darkness is dark and you can't feel it but you can see it. It does not simply burn me. I can make fire from my hands and it doesn't burn me, and yet this dark-blob-fire thingy burns me? That just doesn't make sense.

My screams only got louder as the burning darkness (still, how the hell does it burn me anyway?) went from my hand up my arm and started to cover my whole body. I started to wildly thrash about the bed until I fell off of it. But the pain in my head was nothing compared to the burning sensation I was feeling.

The darkness had completely covered my entire body except my head. Then a stream of it travelled up my right cheek into my mouth and into my eye when-


Charle awoke with a gasp. W-...what was that? A vision? It was too real and detailed enough to of been just a dream.

Natsu's scream still echoed throughout her head. She looked over to where Natsu and Gray were having their routine fight. There was no incredible strength from Natsu. No burning darkness. No becoming a Dragon Slayer of Acnolgia and Celestia. Or was-no, wait. I believe that Lucy was still a Dragon Slayer, right? Yeah...she was.

Everything seemed to be back to normal. Or did it ever go out of being normal? Did she just imagine it all? Was it just a dream?

Charle shivered in fear. Wendy noticed and excused herself from her conversation with Romeo (leaving him thinking what did I do wrong? What did I do wrong? Did I scare her off? Dammit, I must've!) and walked worriedly over to Charle.

"Charle? What's the matter?" She asked. Charle jumped at Wendy's question and looked away from her before answering. "N-nothing's the matter Wendy. I was just thinking about stuff that you don't need to worry about."

Charle stood up and flew over to the Masters office.

She knocked on it and then let herself in.

The master looked up from his paperwork from the havoc that the guild caused.

"Master, we need to talk..."

Unknown's P.O.V. (This will not be like last time I swear!)

I panted and groaned. I leaned against the stone walls for support as my wound kept throbbing blood from my open gash below my collarbone. With shaky fingers I took off the scratchy blanket covering my shoulder and ripped up shirt. All around fire burned into the night sky like demons being released from the earth and rising up, up, and away.

Taking a deep breath, I looked down at the wound that was increasing. By the mere sight of it had me hurling. You could almost see the bone. I sucked in another breath and took the torn up to pieces shirt and made a make-shift bandage to try and slow down the bleeding.

Wrapping the old and scratchy blanket around my shoulders once more and continued along the path that father set out for me.

We needed to find the host of our powers before us and the hosts all perish. And we need to do something about this stupid amnesia as well. It' setting old to keep having to remind people of who really was trained to free the dragons.

Another chapter done! So, something new that has happened would be that I have officially become a member of Pottermore. If you don't know who Harry Potter is then you won't get it. So I signed in, chose a black cat as a...I forgot what they call the pets at Hogwarts now so I'll just call them companions for now, got chosen by a wand, and then went to go and get sorted into a house.

What was funny about my house was that my family and friends all said that I would get Ravenclaw as a result or Griffindor but nope!

I am a proud Hufflepuff.

But I kind of feel bad and upset because when I went to the Harry Potter Exhibition in Edmonton I got a Dumbledore bookmark and wand pen along with a Ravenclaw magnet and t-shirt, also Ravenclaw. Thankfully, my cousin is a Ravenclaw and she didn't get to go to the Exhibition, so I'll give my Ravenclaw magnet and maybe t-shirt to her as a gift if she can fit into the shirt.

New goal: smother myself in Hufflepuff merchandise!

One more thing! My German teacher (well, she's from Canada like me but she studies in Berlin) is coming back and I will see her tonight! I'm so happy!

Take care of your precious souls!

Do Svidaniya!~

-Forgotten💔He...wait a minute, why does this authors (I spelled it as autors for a second ^^' thank you spellcheck!) note not feel finished? Hmm, maybe it has something to do with my followers? *checks profile* ...oh. OH. OH I SEE, NOW. *sings* I have over 100 followers! Oh yeah!

Thank you guys so, so much! I did a little happy dance when that happened!

Well, it seems that I have to change my name now. The majority of you might be wondering 'why the hell is she changing her name NOW all of the sudden? It's a waste of time!' Well I'll tell you.

So you see, I can't really call myself Forgotten💔Hero anymore now can I if I'm no longer forgotten, now can I? Or 'maybeit'sbecauseIrealizedthatIstolethatnamefrommyfriend' or 'Istartedusingiteverywhereelse (check examples below ) andIjustlikethenewonebetterthenthisone' *cough cough hack cough* wow I enjoy giving you guys headaches, don't I?

Examples are and Instagram

So, my new name is (you'll all probably think that it sucks and I really hope that nobody else has it) is...

ViolaLinCord🎻 I can feel the hate coming in tsunami waves.

So...I'm going to go and work on the story that I'm working (well I finished it so right now I'm editing it) on my laptop that I plan to send to an author to see if he can get it published before school starts up again.

Oh yeah, the hate's definitely coming in hurricane waves now.

So, um. ...bye?

(Well, at least I kept the '-' the same... And wait is the A.N. longer then the chapter?


Book One in the Unexpected Keys TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now