Chapter 4

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The two preschoolers gushed over the small infant lying on the bed in front of them as Namjoon introduced him. "This is Jungkook and he's nine months old."

"We're getting a baby?!" Hoseok asked excitedly, looking up at Jin.

"Looks like it." Jin responded as the doctor came back into the room to explain things to Jin.

"Well, we have checked him over," she started as she set her chart down, "and overall he seems to be healthy. He is unable to sit up on his own and he's not crawling yet, which we assume the delay to be because of the drugs-"

"Drugs?" Jin looked over at Namjoon for an explanation.

"His mother was drugging him to keep him asleep for the majority of the day." Namjoon told him solemnly.

"That's horrible~" Jin whispered as the doctor continued on.

"Yes, it is," she nodded, "we have taken some samples and sent them to neurology for testing just to rule out any permanent physical disabilities, but it seems to me to be just a delay, and with proper support, he should be back up to his age group in no time."

"Well, he'll definitely be getting that," Jin answered, scooping the baby into his arms. "Hi there, Jungkook~" He raised the pitch of his voice as he poked him on the nose, causing the baby to erupt into a fit of giggles. He looked down at the preschoolers standing next to him. "What do you say, boys, you ready to get home with our new friend?" Both boys nodded eagerly and, after giving Namjoon hugs, which definitely surprised the 21-year-old social worker, they ran out of the room with Jin in tow. "Slow down, I have to be able to keep up with you!"

Before going by the hospital, Jin had run by the house to install an infant appropriate car seat, which is now in the middle of the backseat, allowing the two preschoolers to peer into it and look at the adorable new addition to their family. "I think we're gonna need a bigger car, what do you think?" He asked, although he knew he wouldn't get a response due to how captivated the boys already were. He made a mental note to spend his lunch breaks browsing car lots for a minivan of some sort. He then thought, oh god, I'm only 22 and considering driving a minivan.

When they were just pulling into their neighborhood, both boys in the back started yelling "ew", and when Jin checked the rearview mirror, he could see the both of them holding their noses. "The baby stinks!" Yoongi exclaimed, leaning as far away from Jungkook as possible.

"He probably pooped," Jin explained, causing the boys to giggle with another chorus of 'ew'. "Hey, you poop, I poop, everyone poops!" Jin stated in a funny voice, which caused the boys to laugh until he pulled into their garage. Jin carried Jungkook into the room right next to his with the two preschoolers trailing after him because "we want to watch, Jinnie!" He sat down on the floor in the middle of the room before laying Jungkook in front of him, since he hadn't had the chance to set the baby furniture back up yet. He slipped off the little jeans Jungkook had on before opening the diaper, at which point the preschoolers screamed and ran to the other side of the room. Jin laughed at them as he cleaned Jungkook up and put a fresh diaper on him. He stood up with the used diaper and wipeys. "I'm going outside for just a few seconds to throw this in the trash outside so the house doesn't get smelly. Can you stay here and play nicely with Jungkook?"



Jin smiled at the boys and left the room, throwing the diaper outside and returning as quick as he could. He paused in the doorway as he saw that Hoseok had brought some of his toys over to show Jungkook. "You look like you're having fun!" The two boys nodded and Jungkook gurgled in response, kicking his little feet. "Now, remember how the doctor said we have to help him crawl?" The boys nodded so Jin moved closer to them and sat on the ground with them. "Here's one way we can help him." Jin picked him up and lay him on his stomach, making sure he could hold himself up before pulling his hands away.

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