The Throne Room of Dragonstone

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The spring sun was shining through the clouds as Drogon and Rhaegal descended toward the cliffs of Dragonstone with their riders securely holding onto their horned napes.

The wars were over. The Night King was destroyed. Cersei was dead. King's Landing and The Red Keep was in shambles after Cersei lit every barrel of wildfire hidden under the city. But the seven Kingdoms were finally at peace. Spring had arrived after a short, but brutal and deadly winter.

Since the Red Keep was in total disorder, the coronation of King Jon and Queen Daenerys Targaryen had taken place at the Sept in Oldtown. The people were still in awe when they announced they were going to rule the Kingdoms as equals. After the ceremony the King and Queen announced they were going to rule from Dragonstone, until King's Landing was rebuilt. They decided to leave, together, with their infant son, at once for Dragonstone, much to Tyrion's protests.

As the dragons landed side by side on the soft green grass close to the walls of the ancient castle the ground slightly shook and Jon disembarked from Rhaegal and made his way to Drogon to assist his wife who had their son held snuggly to her chest in a sling.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to riding on dragonback, my Queen." Jon murmured as he took his wife's soft warm hand to off Drogon's back. After she was firmly on the ground he kissed her forehead and then the forehead of their sleeping infant son, Benjen Stark Targaryen.

"You will, my King." She replied with a smile as she moved their son's raven curls from his forehead.

As they made their way up the long staircase to the castle, Jon turned to her and smiled and said, "You know, the first time I climbed these stairs, I did not know what to expect. My people all thought I was crazy. Meeting with the 'Mad King's daughter to beg for assistance. They all said that you were going to burn me alive or feed me to your dragons." He then pulled her to to stop and looked into her violet eyes and continued, "Now, they have come to see you for who you are. A Queen who would and did risk her life for the safety of her people."

"I'd say that was one of the best choices you ever made, Jon Snow." Dany stated as she stared into his eyes, caressed the side of his face, and kissed his lips softly.

"Aye." Jon said with a smile.

They continued into the castle hand in hand and made their way into the throne room. Jon took their son from the sling Dany had him secured in and looked toward the dragonglass throne at the front of the room.

"I remember the first time I walked into this throne room like it was yesterday." Jon whispered to her, "in front of me was the most beautiful and scary site that I'd ever seen. There you sat on that throne. You were so determined. You were not at all what I expected."

"And what were you expecting, my love."

"I honestly don't know. All I know is that I was desperate. I came here not knowing how to ask you for help. I know that you, your dragons and the dragonglass on your island were the only hope to save the my people. And of course you didn't believe me."

"I remember that day as well." She said with a smile as she she walked up to the throne, then turned around to face him, "I was so angry. All I could think was who was this stubborn, brooding, comely man, calling himself King of one of my kingdoms, calling me a child, and refusing to bend the knee!"

"You thought I was comely." Jon said with a grin on his scarred face.

"Jon Snow! Of course I thought you were comely!" She exclaimed as she walked down the stairs of from the throne.

"Who would have thought that after  that meeting we would be where we are today." He stated as he walked towards her, "Married, ruling the seven kingdoms together as equals, and a beautiful son." He said as he gently kissed his sleeping infant.

"I know. After that first meeting in this throne room you were basically my prisoner."

"Aye." He said with a smile. "I was so frustrated. I didn't know what to say to get the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, to understand the danger we were all facing. That death was literally coming for us all."

"I wish I would have listened to you sooner." Dany murmured.

"I don't." Jon stated.

"Why is that?"

"Because then we would have never realized that we are stronger together. You would have never agreed to sail North together, with me. And if we hadn't sailed together we wouldn't have our son."

"I love you, Jon Snow." She said as she looked him in the eyes.

"I love you, too, Daenerys Targaryen." He said as he caressed her face brought his lips to hers. "You know, I think I fell for you that first day I met you, when you were sitting on that throne."

"I think I fell for you while I was sitting on that throne."

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