Godswood of Dragonstone

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Work begins on Dragonstone's Godswood. The King's friends and advisors share a surprise. The King and Queen make an announcement.


I am sorry for the long wait... life gets busy and I have been having so much fun working with Ruben8554 on The last hope for Westeros and The Last Targaryens (which can both be read on AO3) that this has been put on the back burner... I hope you enjoy this fluffy update. Let me know what you think and what you would like to see in the future!

The Godswood of Dragonstone

Dany woke up to the feeling of a strong calloused hand tenderly caressing her large three moon turns baby bump. She then smiled as she felt a chaste kiss being pressed to the swell of her abdomen.

She then heard the gruff Northern accent of her husband whisper sweetly, "Hey little ones... This is your Papa... I am not sure if you can hear me yet, but I just wanted to let you two know that I love you both very much."

As she heard these words and the tenderness his her husband's tone, she could not stop as tears welled in her eyes. When she let out a sniffle, her husband was quickly there to wipe away her tears with the tips of his fingers.

"Dany, are you alright? Are you hurting? Do I need to get the Maester?" He asked with a concerned tone as he looked into her eyes to make sure she was okay.

She let out a chuckle as she put her hand on his chest and murmured, "I am fine, my love... I just... The way you are with Benjen and the two babes in my belly... I am so happy to have you. I do not know what I did to deserve you."

Jon placed a quick tender kiss to her plump pink lips and then answered, "Dany, you are the most caring, compassionate person I have ever met... You have proven time and time again that you would do anything the people who follow you... I think it is me who should be asking what I have done to deserve you."

"I love you, Jon Snow." She said and then kissed his lips once more.

He broke the kiss as he again started to caress her growing womb. She could tell her was brooding, so she asked, "What is it, my love?"

"I was just thinking..."

She let out an unqueenly snort as she interrupted him, "I know that, Jon, but what is it you were so deep in thought about?"

"Do you think the babes are boys or girls or one of each? What do you think they will look like? Have you thought about what we should name them? Should we give them Valyrian names or Westerosi names or Northern names?"

"I think... I think it is a boy and girl," she mused as she played with one of his loose raven curls. "As for what they will look like... I don't know... but I hope they take after you."

"I hope they have your beautiful silver hair... poor Benjen is going to be teased his whole life because he has my hair..."

"Jon, I love your pretty hair!" His wife remarked as she lovingly slapped his scarred chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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