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Fluff, Family Breakfast and Announcement

The next morning was cool, dreary and a steady rain was falling, but even the weather could not dampen Jon's happiness. The couple was laying in bed, just enjoying a few peaceful moments of silence before they started their day. They were saying nothing to each other as Jon laid on his side, looking lovingly into his wife's eyes; he had one hand possessively caressing her still flat lower abdomen, where their babe was growing, and the other was running fingers through her soft moon-kissed hair. The silence was broken when Dany asked, "Which do you wish to hold in your arms, my love, another son or a daughter?"

After a few moments of contemplation, he spoke, in the gruff northern voice that she loved, "I think I would like another little boy. One with your hair and my eyes. Benjen would grow up close in age with his brother, just like I did with Robb... But I also would really love a little girl as well." He said with a smile as he looked deeply into her eyes, "She would truly be my little princess. It would be fun to see her grow into a proper, strong lady like Sansa or a wild wolf like Arya. Benjen could look over her, and they will get into trouble together, just like Bran and Arya... I guess what I am saying is I really don't really care either way. I will be over the moon with whichever babe the gods see fit to grant to us," he answered honestly before he asked her, "Which do you prefer, my love?"

"I, as well, honestly don't care either way, as long as the babe is healthy with ten fingers and ten toes," The conversation was abruptly cut off when they heard the sweet sound of Benjen's baby cooing and babbles coming from the next room; he was informing his parents he was read to start his day. Dany quickly untangled herself from her husband's loving arms,  pressed a sweet kiss to his lips as he sat up in the bed and told him she would be right back as  she made her way to the nursery to tend to their son.

After his wife left the room, he slowly pulled himself out of the bed and began to dress for the day. He had just finished lacing his boots when he heard a gentle knocking at the door. At hearing this, he made his way over to the door, expecting to find Missandei on the other side only to be surprised at the sight of his youngest sister.

"Good morning, You Grace," she stated with a smirk as she entered her brother's chamber with Nymeria following closely behind.

"Good morning, to you as well... Lady Arya," he said returning the smile as he made his way to where she was standing and pulled her in for a tight embrace and  placed a kiss to the top of her forehead before he ruffled the fur atop Nymeria's great head before she trotted to the other side of the room to join Ghost. "I am surprised to see you here, normally you spend all of your time with my son."

"He's more fun than you," she answered in a matter of fact tone before she continued, "What has the King of Brooding in such a good mood this morning?" She asked quirking one eyebrow.

Jon's smile became even bigger as he jested, "Can't I just be happy that my littlest sister has come to visit me this beautiful morning."

"Jon, take a look outside... the weather is shit," She stated flatly as she pointed out the window. "So, what has put your spirits so high?"

"Arya, I can't just..."

"Jon, it's okay, she is family... Go on and tell her," Daenerys interrupted as she entered the chamber with her son squirming in her arms, unable to contain his excitement at the sight his aunt.

"Yes, Jon... Tell me," she said as she took Benjen from his mother's arms and lazily plopped herself into a red velvet cushioned chair at the table.

Jon smiled and walked over to stand next to his wife, he took a deep breath, placed his arm around her waist with his hand coming to rest on her lower stomach. He looked to this sister and smile as he said, "Arya, we are going to have another babe."

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