A Dream and a Discovery

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Ghost makes a discovery in the Dragonglass Cave.

Jon and Dany make a decision concerning the discovery.

Word is received from Winterfell and the Reach.

The full moon was high over head in the cloudless midnight sky. It was serene. He felt the gentle cool spring breeze blowing through his white fur. He had been at his new home for just over a moon turn now and he loved exploring the new lands. He also loved hunting in the lush green forests surrounding his new home. Tonight he had met his sister and they hunted together. He was full. He ate a whole elk by himself. It was a large elk and it was very filling. His sister was still hungry. The elk she caught was not as large. She wanted to hunt until her hunger was satisfied, so she stayed in the woods. He wanted to get back to his new castle. He needed to check on his companion's young pup as he had been gone for too long. Then he wanted to sleep. He was tired. He was full and he was tired.

The light wind blew again and he took in a deep breath of the crisp, fresh sea air as he walked the cliffs leading to him to the big castle. The big stone castle was his new shelter. His new home. As the breeze passed across his nose, he could faintly smell something familiar. He sniffed the ground of the cliff, searching, trying to find where that familiar smell was coming from. It was not on the cliffs. However, it was coming from close by. He made his way down to the beach, smelling the air, searching for the source of the smell. The smell was growing stronger. He lifted his nose from the ground and looked up. There was a cave. The smell was coming from the cave. As he made his way into the cave, his paws making little noise as he followed the smell. The smell was growing stronger. He knew that smell. It was a smell that was a little like that of his companion and very much like the scent of his mate. He stopped and sniffed the air and headed deeper into the shiny black cave. The smell was growing stronger. He made his way through the tunnels of black glass, following the smell. He stopped when the smell was almost overpowering and he began to move the dirt and small rocks with his paws. He needed to find what was giving off the familiar aroma. As he removed the debris, the smell became even stronger. The mystery of the scent was becoming clearer with every tiny back pebble he pushed aside. He now knew what the smell was; it was the same scent as his winged brothers. He let out a loud rare enthusiastic howl. He was excited. He knew that his companion and his mate would want to know of his discovery.


Jon awoke with a start, unaware that he had also woke his wife when he jumped to a sitting position. He was gasping for air as he tried to wrap his mind around his wolf dream. He took a deep breath to try to calm his rapid breathing and slow his racing heart. It could not be true. Then he heard the howls of Ghost. It was true.

"Jon, are you alright?" Daenerys asked, her voice dripping with concern as placed a calming hand on his shoulder and sat up next to him. "Is that Ghost howling?"

He placed his hand over hers. She was always able to calm him with just a touch. "Aye, I am fine. Ghost is fine as well; he is just... very excited." Jon turned to face her, his nearly onyx eyes meeting her vibrant violet ones, "Dany... I had a wolf dream. Ghost has found something amazing. We need to go to the Dragonglass cave. Right now. This cannot wait." Jon said, barely able to contain his excitement.

"Jon, it's not yet dawn. Can't we go at day break?"

"Dany, you are going to want to see this. And when you do, you will understand." Jon said and he quickly got out of the bed and began to dress.

"Just tell me what it is!" She stated as she removed the soft lightweight covers from her naked body and proceeded to make her way out of the bed.

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