Family and Friends

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Chapter 6: Family and Friends


More reunions, a little loving and catching up

There was a cool gentle breeze blowing in from off the sea, swirling in the fresh midmorning spring air. Drogon and Rhaegal were gliding above in the picturesque clear blue sky as Ghost, Jon, Dany, and Benjen (who was snuggled in his mother's arms, with his head against her chest) made their way from the great stone castle down to the coastline to greet the newest arrivals to the island. Ser Davos, Ser Jorah, Arya, Gendry and Nymeria were following closely behind them. When they reached the beach, they could see that a small rowboat being lowered down from the larger ship, into the calm, crystal-clear blue water. As the small wooden boat rowed closer to the sandy shore, the greeting party could make out the forms of five passengers. There were two women, one larger man, one younger man and a small child. When the vessel was within 100 feet of the shore, Ser Jorah and Ser Davos made their way into the water to help bring the boat onto the beach.

Ser Davos had unshed tears in his eyes as he and Ser Jorah brought the dinghy onto the sandy shore of Dragonstone. Once the small boat had come to rest on the beach, a young man of about four and ten, who was tall and lean, with short brown hair and brown eyes, quickly disembarked and made his way to stand next to the older man. The boy then helped Ser Davos to assist one of the other passengers from the small wooden dinghy. The passenger was a middle-aged woman with beaming smile plastered upon her face as her long, loose, greying brown hair swayed slightly in the light sea breeze. She appeared to be about the same height as the Queen, but her figure was plump when compared to the Queens slender form. Once she was standing firmly on the sandy beach, she smoothed her dark brown dress and adjusted the cream-colored shawl, which she draped over her shoulders, just before Ser Davos pulled both her and the boy into a warm embrace and his tears were now freely flowing down his cheeks.

As the Onion Knight reunited with his family, Ser Jorah assisted Samwell Tarly and his family from the small rowboat. The moment the young boy with light brown hair was on the ground, he quickly ran across the sandy shore and straight to Ghost and Nymeria, screaming, "DOGGIES," which earned a round of chuckles from those assembled on the beach. After a firm hand shake from Ser Jorah, Sam and Gilly made their way over to greet the King and Queen.

"Your Graces," Sam nervously said, "We are so happy you invited us here and offered to let me serve on your small council."

"Sam, please, I know that I've told you that to you it's just Jon," the King whispered into his best friends ear as he grabbed him into a strong, brotherly embrace. As they broke apart he said, "I have missed you. I am so glad that you are finally here. But I must admit, I was a little surprised to receive your raven, asking to resign as Lord Paramount and Warden of the Reach."

Sam gave his friend a nervous smile and whispered that he would tell him the story at a later time.

"Lady Gilly," Daenerys spoke in a Queenly but welcoming tone, "It a pleasure to see you and your family again."

"I am happy to be here," she said as she nervously turned to look at Sam, who gave her an encouraging nod, before she turned her attention back to the King and Queen and added, "Your Graces."

"I cannot believe how big you son has gotten, Lady Gilly! How old is he now?"

"He will be six years old next month."

"Six already!" Jon exclaimed, "I remember when he was a tiny babe at Castle Black!"

"Speaking of little ones," Sam said as he look at the babe who had just began to stir in the Queens arms, "Little Benjen isn't that little anymore."

"Aye, he is already eight moon turns old," the King replied proudly, as he look at his son who was excitedly babbling at the little boy who was petting Ghost, before he looked back to his dear friend and added in a soft voice, "and in about seven moon turns he will no longer be our only babe."

Sam took a deep breath before he enthusiastically stuttered, "Jon! My Queen! That is... that is the most amazing news! I am so happy for you both!"

"It will be nice that our new little one will have someone so close in age to play with," Gilly added as she placed a hand over the just barely there swell of her lower abdomen.

"Your pregnant as well!" The Queen exclaimed joyfully.

"Aye, just under four moon turns along."

"We found out right before we left Oldtown... the day after your coronations. You two had already left... and well, I didn't really want to say anything right away. I was afraid it wouldn't be real it I spoke it out loud." Sam sheepishly added.

"Congratulations, my friends," Jon said with a smile as he pulled his dear friend in for another embrace.

"Thank you, Jon."

Just then, Jon noticed Ser Davos making his way toward him with his family in tow, so he looked to his friend and said, "Sam, please, let's catch up more later tonight."

"Okay, Jon. That sound wonderful." Sam replied as he picked up Little Sam and put his arm around Gilly's waist, so they could make their way a little further down the beach to where Ser Jorah, Arya and Gendry were standing guard.

"Your Graces. This lovely lady here is my wife, Marya" the Onion Knight spoke as he put one arm lovingly around her waist, "and this strapping young lad here," he said gesturing to the boy on his left side, "is my youngest son, Steffon."

"Lady Marya, it is nice to finally meet you," Jon answered, "As well as you, Steffon. I must apologize for keeping your husband and father away from you both for the last four years."

"It is an honor and pleasure to finally meet ya, your Graces." She spoke firmly, with a bright smile on her face as she dropped a slight curtsy, "Davos... he always spoke so highly of the both of ya in his letters to us."

"The honor is ours," the Queen replied as she shifted the wiggling crown prince to her other arm, and smiled and at the freshly reunited family, "Please, let us know if there is anything at all we can do or get for either of you to make you more comfortable."

"I thank you, your Grace," Marya responded, "If you don't mind I do need to send a raven to our other boy, Stannis, who stay back at Cape Wrath to tend to our house with his new wife. I need to let him know that we arrived safely. I am sure that he is worried."

"Of course," the King stated, "Come, let's get inside the castle, and I will get Grand Maester Wolken to assist you in writing and sending your letter."

"Thank you, my King."

"Come everyone. Let's go inside the castle." The Queen politely called to the crowd that was gathered on the sandy beach, "I am sure that you are all tired and hungry after your long journey. We will have servants escort you to your new chambers. We will have them draw warm baths for you and bring you your midday meal. Then tonight, we will have a small feast to celebrate our newest arrivals."


After seeing all to the new arrivals safely to their chambers, and seeing that bath water and a warm meal would be brought to them, the King and Queen walked through the halls to get back to their chambers to take their own midday meal in privacy. Ghost was following closely beside the Queen and Benjen, who was squirming in his mother's arms and reaching his chubby little hands out, in an attempt to pull the great white wolf's fur. "No, my sweetling. You mustn't hurt Ghost, he is your friend" she cooed as she pulled her young son's hands away from the wolf.

The young boy turned to face his mother so that his violets eyes met her matching eyes, "Ma Ma Ma Ma," he babbled as he snuggled into her chest and then attempted to grab her silver locks.

"No, No, my sweet boy. You mustn't pull anyone's hair."

"Here, let me take him," Jon said as he chuckled at the exchange and took his eight moon turns old son from his wife.

"I will be so happy when he is out of the hair pulling stage," the Queen sighed as she opened the mahogany door that led to their chambers.

"Aye, I agree," the King responded as he moved his son's hands away from his own hair and sat down on a plush red velvet armchair close to the hearth, "but as soon as one stops pulling our hair their will be another taking his place."

A few minutes later, their simple meal of rabbit stew and freshly baked brown bread was laid out on the table by one of the young servant girls. After saying thank you to the young woman the couple sat down to enjoy their meal together.

They laughed as Benjen took a spoon and attempted to feed himself from his mother's bowl of stew, "I think he is wearing more than he is eating," Daenerys snickered.

"Aye, but at least with a full belly he will take a good nap!"

Once the meal was completed, Benjen was changed into clean clothing and was asleep as soon as his mother laid him down in his crib. "So, my King," she purred as she turned and faced him, "Everyone is enjoying the afternoon with their families... what shall we do to pass the time until it is time to prepare for this evenings feast?"

"I can think of a few things... but they all require us to be in our bedchamber, my Queen" he responded as he looked into her eyes and then placed a chaste kiss on her plump pink lips. "Ghost, stay with the babe," he called as he grabbed her hand, as he pulled her, nearly running, back to their rooms.

Once the door was securely bolted shut, his lips were pressed to hers. Both of their hands were franticly trying to remove the others clothes. "You are always wearing far too many articles of clothing, my King," she murmured in his ear after she finished pulling his tunic over his head, exposing his chiseled, scarred torso.

He kissed own her neck as he unclasped the last button of her dress, causing it fall to the floor. "And now you are wearing none, my Queen" he whispered as nibbled on her ear. He then scooped her up in his strong arms, kissing her passionately and carried her to the bed. When they reached the bed he threw her down into the middle of it with a growl. He quickly finished removing his trousers and small clothes and climbed in the bed with her.

He laid beside her, kissing her already puffy red lips as one hand softly palmed one of her tender breasts and the other was massaging her pulsating bud. He began to kiss his way down her neck and chest until he reached her other breast and began to suckle it like a babe.

She gasped as he gently inserted two fingers into her already slick cunt and began pumping them in and out and curling them so that he could reach the spot that he knew she loved. "Oh, gods... Oh, Jon..." She moaned as she grabbed the bed sheets.

"Do you like that, love?" He asked as he removed his mouth from her teat.

"Oh Jon... Come here," she moaned, "I need for your cock to be inside me, now!"

"As my Queen commands," he murmured in her ear as he removed his fingers from her sopping wet cunt and replaced them with his throbbing, hard cock. "Fuck, Dany! You feel so fucking good... You are slick as a baby seal!" He exclaimed as he repeatedly plunged his member deep inside of her tight wet pussy.

"Gods... Oh gods..." she cried as she felt her core tighten, "I'm gonna... Jon!"

"Fuck Dany! I can feel you! Cum for me love!"

With those words she could no longer contain the organism that radiated through her entire body and sending shivers down her spine all the way to her toes making them curl.

"Gods... Dany... Fuck..." The King growled as he came with his Queen and them collapsed next to her. "I love you, so fucking much," he sighed as he wrapped one arm around her chest and the other caressing the slight swell of her stomach. "Dany, I can already feel a slight bump," he murmured in her ear.

"It's too early for that, my love. I think you feel it because that is what you wish to find," she chuckled. "Or maybe I'm just stuffed from our midday meal."

"No, Dany. Feel," he whispered as her grabbed her hand and placed it where his had been the moment before. "See, I'm not imagining things, love. Our babe is right here, growing strong in your womb."

"Oh, gods Jon!! That's our babe!" She responded in a barely audible voice as tears of happiness began to well in her eyes and she lovingly rubbed the just slight swell of her belly.

Jon then placed a sweet kiss to her lips as he said, "I love you, my Queen."

"I love you, too, my King," she stated as she wiped her tears and snuggled up against his chiseled chest. They both quickly feel asleep wrapped in a loving embrace.


That evening after the feast the women (Dany, Arya, Missandei, Brienne, Gilly and Marya) and little children (Benjen and Little Sam) made their way up to Dany's study to talk, while the men, (Jon, Davos, Steffon, Tormund, Grey Worm, Gendry, Tyrion and Samwell) stayed in the great hall to catch up.

The ale and wine were flowing as the men sat on wooden benches were all catching up, laughing and having a good time. Ser Davos was trying to prevent Tormund and Tyrion from allowing his son drunk

Jon could sense his dear, father-like friend's dilemma, so he look at the young man and asked, "Steffon, what is it that you wish to do when you grow older?"

The boy turned to his king, nervously and stated, "I dream one day to become a knight, or maybe one day serve as one of your Royal Guard, your Grace."

"You sound much like my younger brother, Bran. That was his dream as well, when he was about 10 years old."

"Did he become a knight?" He boy asked excitedly.

"No... he was injured in an accident and lost the use of his legs," the King answered with a sigh before he added, "But he did become a powerful greenseer who helped save hundreds of thousands during the wars. And in now Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North... But you... How are you with a sword?"

"I'm better than my older brother, Stannis," the boy said proudly.

"Well how about this... Why don't you train in the mornings with the Royal Guard members? Let me and the others see what you are made of and help you to see if we can make that dream a reality for you. What do you say, lad?"

"Seriously! That would be... Yes! Yes, your Grace, I would love to train with the Royal Guard!"

"Aye, then you will start tomorrow."

"My King," Grey Worm said in an even tone, "If you wish, this one would like the opportunity to help train the young Seaworth."

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