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Dany's morning sickness worries Jon.
A unexpected discovery during the clean up in King's Landing.
Arya and Dany talk.
Dany receives unexpected news about her pregnancy.
Family Fluff on the Cliffs of Dragonstone.


Jon woke up and reached over to embrace his wife before starting the day. However, instead of finding his wife's warm soft body all he found was warm empty sheets. As he lazily began to sit up in the large feather bed, the soft red sheet slid down his scarred chest, he kept is eyes closed and he mumbled sleepily, "Dany, where are you? Come back to bed."

Instead of the beautiful voice of his wife answering him, all he heard was gagging and wrenching.

At the sound of this, he quickly sat the rest of the way up and his eyes sprung open. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and scanned the room for the source of the distressing sound. He jumped out of the bed when his eyes met the site of his wife doubled over the chamber pot in the corner of the room. He swiftly crossed the room and put a loving arm around his wife's shoulders as she continued to empty the remaining contents of her stomach into the chamber pot.

"Dany, love... can I get you anything? Do you need me to get Grand Maester Wolken?" He asked as he pulled her long silver locks out of her face and helped her to slowly sit up.

She turned to face him, her violet eyes meeting his Stark Grey. She placed her small hand on his shoulder and said, "I am fine, Jon. I am already feeling better."

"Dany, I am worried about you and the babe," Jon said loving as he pulled her to his chest and began to rub the back of her moon-kissed locks, "Love, this is the fourth time you gotten sick in the last two days. You have barely eaten anything in the last two weeks. Now, you are not even able to keep any of the meager portions that you do eat."

"Jon, I assure you, this is normal." she replied as she snuggled into his embrace.

"This is not normal, Dany. You were not sick like this when you carried Benjen," Jon whispered in her ear, then pulled away from their embrace and looked into her eyes.

"Gilly, has told me that every pregnancy is different." She replied with a tone of indifference. "You that she has a vast amount of experience with pregnancies and childbirth because of how she grew up."

"Aye, I am aware of Gilly's experience in the matter. However, I still cannot help but worry about you and the babe." 

"I assure you Jon, I am fine... The babe is fine."

"Can Grand Maester Wolken not give you anything to soothe you stomach?" He asked as he gently placed his hand on her growing womb. When she did not answer he sighed and added, "Dany, have you even asked him for anything to help you?"

She signed as she responded, "I did not want to bother him, Jon... He has been so busy with all the ravens lately... with the Godswood project and the Wedding and Benjen's name day and the correspondences from the architects about King's Landing... A little morning sickness should be the least of his worries."

"Dany," He said with concern in his voice, as he rubbed gentle circles on her slightly rounded belly, "If you do not eat or drink this little one will not grow to be big and strong... You have to take care of yourself."

"I think this one is getting plenty of nourishment," Dany chuckled as she placed her hand over Jon's.

"Aye, your belly is bigger this time as compared to when you were two and a half moon turns along with Benjen." Jon agreed but with concern still clear in his tone, "But, please, Love... Promise me that you will go and see Grand Maester Wolken after we speak with Tyrion and Sam?"

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