Dim as an Ember

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Even as I slide my way through the fence and past the no trespassing signs I can still hear the unrest behind me. The departure from Natasha has left me a bit shaken. I'd never see her again, I knew that to be true. I try to keep in the shadows the best I can as I cross the royal lawn. As I make it to boarded up walls and windows a light snow starts to fall. The palace is just obvious enough to make for a great place to hide out.

 I duck under a low hanging beam and enter a place that once was a palace of splendor. Everything of value had been stripped leaving the grand ballroom bare. I walk up to the railing overlooking the wide space and can imagine a dance, a joyful dance where the duchesses would have spun around in the arms of young men. I feel as if I can almost hear the chatter, see the ballgowns and feel the music around me. 

There's laughter and soon my sisters surround me dabbing me with oils and adorning me with pearls. My happy trance is interrupted by voices, real and frustrated ones. My eyes open and I find myself to be kneeling as if I were bowing, I had found my way down the stairs and into the middle of the grand hall. I pick myself up confused but determined to find the men I'd heard. 

I force myself back up the stairs and looking back over the room I feel a chill down my back. I turn away from it and try to block out the eerie feeling. I hear another voice and then a deep chuckle. Soon I find the source down a hallway. The door is closed but through the keyhole light from a fire gleams and two men sit across from each other scheming. What now? Do I announce myself? Knock? Play a trick on them? I decide to knock which frightens the life out of them for some reason. If I'd meant them any harm I don't believe I would've knocked. Annoyed at the sudden scurrying about I push open the door. Wasting no time I state my business, "I'm looking for a Dimitry." I say scanning the shadows against the walls. Seeing that I mean them no harm and probably noticing how small I am one comes forward... the younger one.

"I'm Dimitry." He steps forward but as I come towards him he crosses his arms leaning back. "What do you want?" What did I want?

"I need exit papers." I say a little too quickly. He's already waved a hand at me turning his back. "And I was told you were the only one who could help me." I reach for his arm to turn him back but he just sits down in the chair he was in earlier. 

"Exit papers are expensive." He says.

"I've saved a little money." I find my pocket and grip the small amount I'd procured along with the gem I'd been found with when I was little. 

"Well the right papers cost a lot." He says a little too rudely for my taste.

I grip the stone tighter. "I'm a hard worker you'll get your money." I do my best not to sound desperate, but after the scene at the station today and after my reunion with Gleb I do feel a little frightened.

He laughs a bit again. "Oh and what is it that you do?"

I actually had just handed over my job today hadn't I? Well he didn't need to know that. "I'm a street sweeper."

He mocks me now. "A street sweeper." He looks across the room to his companion and then laughs again. Getting frustrated I share the previous things I'd done to get this far.

"Before that I washed dishes, before that I worked at the hospital in Perm..."

"Yeah well Perm is a long way from here..." He seems a little more approachable now that he's leaned back against the couch.

"I know... I walked it." 

He finally looks at me without a boyish smile. "You walked here all by yourself?"

Not wanting anymore questions I cut him off. "I had no choice." My voice is soft letting my guard down for one moment.

"Who are you running from?" He asks and then he looks back across to his friend who has finally come into my view. He's definitely older a little heavier too.

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