Suddenly There's a Chance

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I had in fact woken before the boys and in turn had woken them up with my loud knocking. Vlad was energetic and excited with my arrival while Dimitry seemed a bit surprised I'd bothered to show up again. With more light in this room I can now see that there are a lot of books that have been spared from Soviet fires as well as a large board set up next to the fireplace which is being stoked back up by Dimitri.

"Well Anya..." Vlad begins. "Are you ready to become the Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov?" he says pulling me gently to a chair near the board.

I had made my mind up on the subject just this morning. I would do anything to get to Paris but my main goal was still to discover my own self over all else. "I am ready to find out who I am, but I'm not willing to lie to do it."

This startles Dimitri back into himself from yesterday "When the Dowager Empress recognizes you as her granddaughter, then you'll know you're her."

He couldn't believe I was actually her, could he? Just yesterday he told me that he didn't even believe in the rumors. "I wish I had your confidence." I say sarcastically.

"Vlad and I will get a small reward for our efforts and we'll all live happily ever after..."

I stand from where I was just escorted to sit. "And if she doesn't? If she calls me an imposter... which she will!" 

Dimitry cuts me short... "Then it will have been a great adventure."

I look down at the book in my hands. It had come to me rather easily last night, if I could continue that I just might be able to pull it off. "How do you become the person you forgot you ever were?"

Dimitri grips my forearm and helps me sit back into my chair as I look for my answer. "Vlad is going to help you."

"Alright Anya." Vlad comes closer and stands at my side. "We can't get every little detail, but we can be as thorough as possible. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and imagine another time." Dimitry flanks my other side and suddenly there's another book in my lap. This one is much larger and is filled with photos of the royals. Vlad points to each one and explains. "You were born in a palace by the sea." The use of YOU unnerves me, but if I am to pretend to be her than i must accept it. The page is flipped, "You rode horseback from a very young age." The horse that Anastasia sat atop was white and the caption said Anastasia and Romeo. Another page turn. "You threw tantrums, and terrorized servants." Another turn. "But your father was the one that could always get you to behave." Their comments start to fade out as I look at Tsar Nicholas and Anastasia. I feel i'm being dragged into the world I had been engulfed in last night in the ballroom.

I study the books hard through mid day. Most of it was on her... my royal upbringing but also the lives of my immediate family. When I have answered both mens trivia questions perfectly Vlad feels comfortable moving forward. "Alright up you go! Time to learn to walk."

"I know how to walk." I say with a laugh. 

"Not like a royal you don't." He angles my arms as If I'm supposed to soar across an open sky. "Head up, regal bearing!" He tilts my chin. "Now shoulders back, stand up tall, and never walk, but try to float." After adjusting my stance to his standards they both watch me parade around the room slowly.

"I feel extremely foolish. Am I floating?" I ask looking back over my shoulder.

"Like a sinking boat." Dimitry says from his corner. I drop my hands to look annoyed at him.

Vlad turns me around. "Now If I give a bow?"

"I have no clue what's next." I say honestly.

"Your hand receives a kiss." Vlad gestures behind me and surprisingly I get a peck on the backside of my hand from Dimitry. "Now onto the royal way of greeting..."

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