Journey to the Past

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It's been weeks since we fled the train and Russia and now we are mere miles past the border of Belgium into France. To get across Germany we had had to barter and work our way across. Some people had been kind enough to help us but for the most part the war torn country was depressed and poor, I hated to see it, but of course we felt their pain.

We were now riding in the back of a fancy automobile down the French country side with a person who thinks we are merely fleeing the confines of Russia for a better life. It is relatively true but he doesn't need to know the details. He is wealthy and is headed for a small town outside of Paris. We met him along the road and with a little charm from Dimitri and persuasion from Vlad he took us on as passengers willingly. It has saved us a great deal of trouble and for that I'll be ever grateful to the old man. 

I remembered a time when I rode in a car, perhaps it was a dream, perhaps it was a conjuring of my wild imagination, but I remembered sitting in one waving out over a large crowd. The details of that day are hazy but I remember that it was hot and it was sunny. I look over to Dimitri whose looking at me intently. I smile, "What?" I ask slightly embarrassed he'd caught me daydreaming. 

"Nothing... I just... you're thinking."

"Yes." I nod. "I remember riding in a car when I was younger." The car hits a large bump in the road. "Though I think the ride was a little less bumpy then." The road was of course dirt, not the paved and bricked roads in Russian cities.

"I think it's fascinating." He says. I scoot closer to him urging him to continue. "I've ridden in cars before but never when I felt this free." I nod in total agreement.

The rest of the day was rather uneventful as we bumped along. Vlad told jokes, I looked out at the lives that we passed, and the old man sang us songs. By the the end of the day were all very comfortable with each other sharing stories and laughs.

The sun has started to set now coloring the sky a beautiful pink and purple color. The wide open spaces were just as I pictured it all, the sky vast and full of opportunities. I've barely noticed that our car has stopped when Dimitri has opened the door for me. I grab my bag and join Vlad and Dimitri at the driver's side. Through his goggles the old man points across a bridge and up a hill. "Paris." He nods his head and wiggles his finger. "Right over that hill." The boys are anxious and each thank him before taking off. Vlad sharing his past experiences of the city and Dimitri beaming.

I can't quite bring myself to follow them yet. Even as they call for me I can't leave the man's side. "What's the matter my dear?" He asks leaning over his car door.

"I've dreamed about this moment for so long. I just hope that it lives up to my ridiculous expectations." I laugh lightly reaching down for my bag. 

"The first step is always the hardest Anya, but once you see the greatness set in front of you it's easy. You seem to have good people around you keep them close and the journey will only become simpler." Dimitri calls my name from the crest of the hill. The old man tips driving cap. "I wish you the best in finding your freedom." 

Dimitri calls for me again. I quickly peck the gentleman on the cheek before turning quickly up the grassy hill. I force my feet to carry me one step at a time. I can feel myself resisting but my heart yearns to see the lights and my head hears the whisper now becoming a stronger one, "Paris." It says. "Paris." 

Finding my footing near the top Dimitri grabs hold of my elbow helping me up the steep crest. When I'm solid and I look out over the city below I'm almost brought to tears by the beauty by the relief.


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