Chapter 5

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"You scared the shit out of me!!!" Taehyung yelled and punch the air like it was Jungkook but Jungkook didn't mind him and open the cell and walks towards where Jimin and Taehyung is seated.

"Why don't you answer him?" Jungkook asked again and the younger look at him.

"You heard everything Kook?!" That's Taehyung who gasp loudly.

"Yeah, this is not a closed area Tae... Of course I can hear the two of you. But only few sentences." Jungkook said throwing the key to Taehyung and grabbing Jimin to stand up.

"Close this and stay here at the station, my shift is done" Jungkook said and went outside the cell while dragging the confused Jimin and leaving the smirking taehyung he shrug and close the cell after getting out of it.

"Hyung? I mean Officer Jeon. Where are you taking me?" Jimin asked when Jungkook open his car and signal him to get in.

"Just get in" Jungkook said and the younger is about to fight once again when Jungkook glare at him. He gulped and hurriedly went in. Jungkook continued to drive but not saying anything. They continue like that until they arrived.

"I heard almost everything about why did you left me-"

"You're the one who left-Im sorry." he cut off the older and stop when he glare at him. He started to play with his fingers and bite his lips what a sinful yet familiar scene for Jungkook. He sigh and look outside, they are now in a old and unused bridge near the station.

"Im sorry hyung.. For lying... For hurting you." Jimin whispered tears ready to drop once again.

"How are you now? Did your parents at least calls you?"

"It was like... Im not part of them anymore, I dont even know where they are now? The night they kick me out, thats the last time I saw them. Thanks to Yoongi hyung though if not because of him I will never get in here, I dont even know if Im still alive." Jimin said wiping his tears with the tissue Jungkook gave him.

"Yoongi? As in Min Yoongi?"

"Hmnnn. Yoongi, Badboy Min Yoongi, your ex Min Yoongi."

"How?" Jungkook asked he knows that Yoongi is not evil but he help Jimin?! Thats weird.

"Yoongi hyung found me at the street near his apartment with his boyfriend I don't even know how I got there, I told him the story and almost punch me because I hurt you but when Kihyun hyung asked him to let me stay with them he said yes. Starting that day, I met a kind, caring, but lazy Yoongi. I work as a waiter at Kihyun hyungs family restaurant so I can finish highschool. After that I save money to go to Seoul and pursue my dreams also.... to find you, Yoongi hyung help me to find school where I can get scholarship. That is where I found hobi hyung-"

"Your boyfriend?" Jungkook asked.

"No.. My best friend, were both became part time dance teachers and both saving for our own dance school. Thats why I have two jobs because I can't quit being a delivery boy because I'm hoping that someday you will order and I will see you again , Yoongi hyung has three. And I found you.. you're sitting here beside me. All grown and handsome, Police officer." Jimin said and look at the older.

"Hyung... I'm really sorry... Please forgive me, I ... was so young that time and ... and"

"Do you still... Do you still love me? Or.. like me? Do you have .... a boyfriend now?" Jungkook asked looking at the younger and watch as Jimin shakes his head.

"Don't you remember? What I told you? That you were going to be my first and last... I never break that promise... I just cant.. Everytime I went on a date I always remember you, thinking what will it be if we still together.... Like are we still in lov-"

"Shhhh.. Stop crying.... You know I hate seeing you cry... Stop crying... Jiminie." Jungkook asked when he pulled Jimin to a hug, Jimin hold onto him like he will disappear any moment.

"Jiminie.... I miss that... I miss you so much hyungie..." Jimin mumbles and continue to hug his hyung.

"Lets start once again, can we do that? Will you? Jiminie?" Jungkook whispered and Jimin pulled back and look at Jungkook gasping when the older is smiling at him, but then he remember something more like someone.

"But youre with Tae righ-"

"That little shit, he always do that. But not minnie, I cant find anyone like you. You are special. Unless you want me with Tae-"

"I did NOT said that Officer!!! No! Stay with me! You're mine!!" Jimin yelled and leaned in to kiss his hyung Jungkook is surprised but smile to the kiss. Oh how both of them miss this, the kiss went go on until they need to breath. Both of then smile to each other.

"I love you hyung"

"I love you too Jiminie" Jungkook said and pull his lover to kiss him once again..and again and again.

"And how about the case?" Jimin asked looking at the stars above them. Jungkook is behind him both seated on the hood of the car, Jungkooks is like a human blanket of Jimin who is back hugging the younger. Jungkook stop kissing Jimin on every skin he sees and sigh. Remembering what happened.

"Jin hyung says you are innocent and Namjoon hyung already found the culprit he just forgot to call me when he got the finger print results. I'm sorry babe....though Jin hyung wants to meet you"

"You know Jin hyung?"Jimin asked and the older nods. Kissing Jimins hair.

"Yeah.. He is like my elder brother he is Taehyung's cousin" Jungkook said.

"Wait so you mean you were the "little brother" he is saying?!" Jimin almost yelled to Jungkook's ears. The older is confused.


"Well he asked me if Im gay when I delivered the order to him... And im perfect for his "little brother"" Jimin said and Jungkook groaned but smiled after.

"Well I guess it is really a plan that we will meet again, but you being a thief comes first." He said and Jimin whines...

"I told you I DID NOT OFFICER!!!"

"Okay okay... I'm sorry babe..." Jungkook said  and hug Jimin tighther. They both smiled and enjoy the fresh air and each others presence sharing little kisses and stories to fill up the days when they far from each other. They might left each others arms in the past, they're stillfind their way back. When they look up the sky both were hoping for better days together.


Yah! I just updated yesterday and you already..... 😩

This Short story just ended.

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