Bonus Chapter pt1 🖤

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Jimin keep on looking at his phone beside him, after glaring at the poor gadget he grab it and open his message app. Yeap, still no new message.

"Where are youuuuu~" He whines with some childish feet stomping on the floor.

"Jimin maybe he is busy, stop it can you?" Hoseok said annoyed on how the younger is acting for the past hour.

"But its his lunch break! He told me this morning he will be just on his office today for sure he is not busy hyung!"

"Did you text him?" The older asked and Jimin pass his phone to Hoseok he groans when he saw the messages.

To: KooKoobun🐰

How's the lunch I prepared?


Are you eating already?
You told me you will text me!
I hate you!





Why are you not replying????
Are you BUSY?!

You told me you will not be THAT busy?🤔

I already ate.....
Are you okay kookoobun?🙃

Baby? 😶

Ggukiiiiiieeee 😭
I swear REPLY TO ME!!!!!!!

"Do you really need to flood? Maybe he is just doing something. He is not like us you know. He is a police officer."

"I know Hoseok hyung."

"The students will be back soon, lets get back to work." Hoseok said standing up from their table giving the youngers phone back.

"Yeah.... Ill just-"

"Yeah okay, I know he will reply later okay?" Hoseok said and left the pantry. Jimin sent Jungkook a message after cleaning their table then left.

To: KooKoobun🐰

Ill be back on work now.
Text me when you can kookoo.
I love you.
Take care.

With a heavy heart, Jimin went back inside their studio.

Jimin and Hoseok got their dance studio 2 years ago a year and few months after Jungkook and Jimim got together. Jungkook also help them with the financial expenses but he is not a co-owner instead he gave his share to Jimin, meaning Jimin has the biggest share. Their dance studio quiet popular and the two needed to hire new dance coaches to accommodate all their students just a year after. The two became successful with their business.

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