Bonus Chapter part2🖤

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"Kook! Its good that you are here now, I'm sorry that I need to call you but no one is available to respond because of the mission with chief. Is Jimin okay with thi-"

"Its fine, we had an argument just after you call but its fine. I know he will forgive me, well I hope but lets not talk about it now. What's the situation here?" Jungkook asked looking around the area. Taehyung received a call a while ago asking for help saying that there is a robbery happening on some jewelry store, he is just passing by when he notice something inside the store. Taehyung ask for the address and gather all the policeman available including Jungkook who needs to lead them.

"They keep on asking us to leave, says they will kill everyone in there. We thought its just one or two person but its not. They're from "MoneyRobs" group, remember the group we sent in jail? This is version 2.0." Taehyung said.

"And then we thought they finally dies. How many people is there?" Jungkook asked Kang who is with them.

"The branch owner said they have 6 employees there including two guards who is sent to the hospital because of a gun shot, one arrived dead. About the others inside we don't have a number." Seulgi answered with holding her gun. Jungkook nods and walks towards the store.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asked.

"Doing some negotiations, be alarmed." Jungkook said and continue to walk.

"Who are you?! Stop walking!" They heard and all of the police positioned their guns, Jungkook raised both his hands.

"This is Jeon Jungkook, I'm here to negotiated, let go of the victims and I will give what you want." He said, they heard a loud demonic laugh.

"I know you Jeon, and I know how you got some of us the first time I will not fall on your shits!" The man shouted and starts to shoot outside, Jungkook hide on the nearest post while Taehyung and the others hide on their car doors. They can't shoot without Jungkooks signal, so they wait for the goons to stop. When they did, Jungkook signals to some of them to follow him inside.

"Fucking Jeon!!" They heard from on of the goons when they got inside, that man is already shot by Taehyung. Gun shots and screams can be heard from the inside.

"Kang! Shin! Ong! Get the victims out!!" Jungkook shouted then face the enemy with gun on his hand shooting back while the three help the victims out, some of the policemen went inside to help too. Ambulance and some media is around the area to cover.

"Jeon!!" Jungkook heard followed buy a loud baby cry, when he look back he saw the "leader" holding a 3 year old baby with a gun pointing on his head.

"Let go of the child you shit head!"

"Nah. Few of my mens is already killed this is for some compensation. Shhhh, stop crying baby boy this will be fast." The man said gripping on the guns trigger, ready to shoot.

"Fucking hell stop it! What do you want?!" Jungkook yelled, the man look at him with raised eyebrows.

"You will give me what I want?"

"Yes, just let go of the kid."

"Be a victim instead of this kid and let me scape."

"Fine put the baby on the couch and get in here, Taehyung will get the baby." Jungkook said nodding to Taehyung to move when the man moves.

"Jungkook" that's Taehyung who is watching his best friend getting chocked by the man, gun pointed on his head.

"Get out Tae." He said.

I did NOT Officer! - JiKook [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now