Chapter 2

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Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin were childhood friends from Busan. Jimin is 2 years younger than Jungkook, they are neighbors since Jungkook's family move in. They first met when Mrs. Jeon drag her 7yr old son who is playing with his gameboy on the couch and her husband to give cookies to their new neighbors. Her son didn't stop on whining asking Mrs. Jeon to go home but when the door opens and they saw a little boy with a ball in his hands Jungkook stops and stare at the 5 year old boy with beautiful eye smiles, pointed nose, chubby rosey cheeks and plump lips. Mr. Jeon needs to smack his sons head to wake up from day dreaming.

After that they became friends doing things like from visiting each others house to play or study, to going to the playground to just hangout and sometimes Jimin will rants about his classmates or sometimes Jungkook will sing while Jimin is dancing but most of the times they are just laying on the grass under the big tree and enjoying each others presence.

Most of their good and bad childhood memories were shared together. From grade school to Highschool they are in the same school even though Jimin is younger, no one can stop them to stick with each other. They will celebrate, laugh and cry together. Jungkook can still clearly remember how Jimin cried on his shoulders when some bully gave him names and push him to the ground.


"Jungkook! Jimin is in trouble!!!" Jungkook turn around look at his classmate Yugyeom who is running towards him.

"What?!" He asked when his friend stops in front of him and take a breather with hands on his knees.

"I... I.. Said... Wai-wohh. Okay. I said Jimin is in trouble, Yoongi is bullying him again! They are in the soccer field!!" Yugyeom said.

"Oh shit! Why didn't you tell me!!" Jungkook yelled and runs towards where Jimin is.

"Ji-Yoongi stop it!" When Jungkook found Jimin he is being pushed to the ground by the senior Min Yoongi, the schools bully.

"ggukie hyung" he heard Jimin whimpered, and glare to Min Yoongi.

"oh come on kook, I'm just playing"

"May I remind you that HE is my BEST FRIEND! That's it Yoongi you're not my friend anymore and!! Stop courting me! I had enough of your attitude!" Jungkook yelled and help Jimin to stand up. Yoongi grab his hands and stop him from leaving.

"You're kidding me right??!"

"No hyung, before this hell starts I'm... I'm ending this now. Let's go Jiminie"

"You don't know what you're saying Kook. May I remind you that-"

"You are the bully here in this school, in a school where MY uncle is the principal and a best friend of schools owner" Jungkook said and took Jimin's bag and left.

"Oww! Ggukie!"

"Stop moving and we will be done!" He shouted Jimin is shocked this is not the first time the older shout at him but he never got used to it. He never wants Jungkook to shout at him.

"Stop shouting at me" Jimin whispered but enough for Jungkook to heard. He look at the younger who is looking down and pouting. He sigh.

"Okay, Im sorry Jiminie stop pouting now. Hey look at hyung okay? It's fine-"

"But you're angry" Jimin said and tries to fight Jungkook's embrace but he give up after 10 seconds.

"Jimin.. Jimin what did even Yoongi told you now?" He asked, Yoongi bullying Jimin is not a new thing he just want to ask but as usual Jimin shakes his head and snuggle close to his favorite hyung.. He is not surprised when he felt his shoulder is wet, jimin is crying once again.

"It's okay hyungie... You saved me once again" Jimin said and then giggles a bit until Jungkook slightly glare at him

"You and Yoongi hyung though..."

"It's the best thing that happened" He said that made both of them laugh, Jungkook told Jimin to get Ice cream with him.


They were neighbors, friend, childhood friends, best friends, boyfriends and now ex-boyfriends. Jimin and Jungkook started dating few months after Jungkook "broke-up" with Yoongi. Jungkook is gay and Jimin a bisexual, Jungkook confessed his gender when Jimin saw him watching a gay film and Jimin confirms when he admitted that he is in love with his best friend while liking a girl in his class for a year.

Their confession is a sappy and And full of cringe because of their words for each other. It was during their prom night when Jungkook saw his very own Jimin in a corner with Yoongi and his friends bullying Jimin, no more like doing dirty things to him, that is when Jungkook saw red he ends up being suspended for 3 days. That night with river of tears, he promised Jimin that he will always protect the younger with words:

"Don't cry I'm here, I'm always here for you babe. Don't worry I will never leave you okay? Okay minnie? I love you"

When he said that he swears that he saw how Jimin's eyes widened and sniff in a very cute way then says:

"ggukie hyung, I...  I love you too. I.. I always do, I know I said I like that girl but. But Jungkook hyung, I.. I really really like you... No! I... I L-love you!"

Jimin almost yelled and hug his hyung like he will disappear any moment and that's the last thing Jimin wants. After that Jungkook hug him back and kiss his head, they started to date and that's the start of their journey as lovers with lots of up's and down's.


Awh. 😍

Goal to update: 20 votes 👌

If you wanna now what happened after.....


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