Chapter 1- Encounter

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It's the harsh and cold winds that make me shudder. Even though I'm in my thickest coat, it's not enough to keep me warm. Another shiver is sent down my spine.

The thick, fresh snow covers my surroundings like a blanket. Houses are dusted with the snow, making it look like someone's sprinked icing sugar everywhere. The sky is beige, and everywhere I look, i can see snow. No more is falling. It's an absolutely beautiful sight.

It's too cold for me to stay outside, if I don't go in now, I'll surely freeze to death. It's awfully odd weather, it's snowing in March. Who would've thought of that?

I'm not even wearing any gloves. Neither a scarf or suitable shoes. Just a thick black coat, dark blue jeans and red converses. My jumper underneath my coat isn't keeping me warm. Just another layer of nothingness.

Everybody would probably be playing in the snow with their families, or doing something with someone. I have no one to do those things with. No one.

My family couldn't bear with me anymore. Or rather, I couldn't bear with them anymore. My mother was an alcoholic, my father was member of some gang that I can't remember, and my sister taunted me everyday. Not that I would want to remember those memories.

It was the last few days of June that I ran away from home. I couldn't bear the life there anymore. Nobody was home, anyway, so it was an easy escape for me. None of them questioned my disappearance. Not any of them at all.

I didn't know what I was doing. I was only 13. I just ran into the first care home I saw and explained the problem. The women at the desk felt awfully sorry for me, so I was given somewhere there to stay, free of charge.

I remember my first day there. A lot of people didn't come and talk to me. Probably because they were surprised at my sudden arrival. But one girl came and spoke to me. Her name was Nanami. She ended up talking to me for hours. My first friend.

My second, and only other friend, was Conor. He eventually moved out of here a year after. I guess it could go to say that I do wonder where he is. But I still have Nanami, my other friend. That's the only thing I care about.

I'm brought back to Earth by a shock. I turn around to see Nanami smiling at me. She's wearing something more suited for the weather. Unlike me.

"Hanzo, why are you standing out here? You'll get frost bite if you don't get back in!" She giggles.

I smile at her, "But sometimes, even if it's cold, it's nice to take in your surroundings. We never take the time to enjoy nature. We always ruin it."

She sighs, and continues smiling with an Okay-You-Win look, "Well, I always look out of my window when I'm bored, and I'm always bored. But if you wish to, I'll leave you alone for now."

She waves at me, and then walks back inside. Even though she's two years younger than me, I still treat her like she's my sister. Like the sister I once wished for.

I decide to take a walk across the street. I wish I asked for some gloves from Nanami. I guess I can do without. I start walking across the pavement, not caring that my shoes will get ruined.

I decide to relive my thoughts again. Nanami wasn't always the blue haired, tanned thirteen year old happy girl I currently know. She was the polar opposite.

As I walk into the main room, I see a load of children sitting on chairs talking to each other. As soon as they clock me, they stare at me. Like I'm a weirdo from an alienate planet. I stare at them all back, until one girl walks up to me.

She looks very young, about ten or eleven. She has light green hair, blue eyes and dirt-coloured skin. Her clothes aren't exactly clean, either. She looks as if she's been buried underground for a long time.

She smiles at me, like she's known me forever.

"Hello!" She greets cheerily, "What's your name?"

"Hanzo." I reply, smiling a little. Her eyes widen in surprise.

"Don't you have a surname? Everyone has a surname." She asks in awe.

I scratch my head awkwardly, "Yeeeahh... I have a surname."

"Tell me!" She laughs.

"Only if you tell me yours first." I reply cockily.

"Misaki Nanami-Chan." She answers happily, "Now what's yours?"

I sigh, "Hanzo Shakeel, happy now Misaki?"

She crosses her arms and pretends to throw a stroppy fit, " My name is Nanami, Misaki is my last name!"

"Oh right, I'm sorry Mis-Nanami." I apologise awkwardly.

"It's okay!" She says cheerily. Everyone else is doing what they were doing before they saw me. I don't care if I don't fit in. I have a friend.

The memories remain in my head as if I'd only done them yesterday. I have a lot of bad memories, but I'm grateful for the remaining good ones I have.

I'm brought back to Earth by nearly stumbling over something. I regain my balance, and look to see what it is.

A girl. She looks so... Strange. I don't even think strange is the word.

She has such odd features, such as crimson red eyes, jet black hair, a black dress and light blue skin, to name a few.

I crouch down so I'm at the same level as her, "Hello?"

"What?" She mutters, not even looking up at me. Rude. I decide to not show my annoyance.

"Why are you slumped on a street?" I question, hoping for an answer. She ignores me and plays with the snow. I'm not sure if her skin is blue from the cold air or it's natural.

"Listen, if I take you somewhere warm, will you answer my question?" I ask.

She sighs and nods. I help lift her up, and take her by the hand as we start walking back to the care home. This is going to be a long journey.

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