Chapter 5- From shore to sea

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In no time, we've got to Shintau City, which happens to be near one of our next locations. One thing ponders on my mind: How can it be hot and sunny in winter? I honestly feel sticky and sweaty in my clothes, but I decide not to complain. I hear Azzy sigh.

"I really wonder where she is. I really do."

I can't imagine running away from someone. The thought scares me. I don't like being chased. Especially by someone I don't know.

"Why do you run from her?" Conor inquires.

Azzy, yet again, sighs, "Because she wants me for her fun. Her sick and sadistic fun."

"More sadistic than Sam's?" Nelly asks.

"Much more." Azzy answers, "Sadisitc isn't even the world."

Azzy looks up to the sky, "Well, enough of that, we'd best be finding Haskah City."

We advance on our quest, hoping for some answers.


Hazel sat in her seat, cackling at the screen before her.

"Fools!" She laughed, "What an utter bunch of fools!"

She began typing away at a keyboard, and many boxes came up. Just as she was about to click on one of these boxes, the door behind her burst open, with a young man rushing though. His pants were soon followed by gasps for air.

"And who calls at this hour?!" She cried, questioning the young man as she turned in her seat.

As soon as she recognized him, she called him over, "Sam."

Sam literally fell to the floor, with blood still seeping out of his arm where Skyra had stabbed him. As Azzy saw this injury, she began to narrow her eyes in anger.

"Don't tell me Skyra hurt you and you were a weakling..." She muttered, angrily.

"Boss... He stabbed me... Beat me..." Sam groaned, in between pants as he winced at the pain. Not even adreniline could keep his mind off the pain.

Hazel's eyes could've rolled out onto the floor as he said that, "Beat you?! How?!"

Sam indicated towards his injury, which by now had coated the area of his shirt in deep, dark blood, "I slashed his... Face. I thought I'd beaten him. But... He got... Revenge!"

Sam started rolling around on the floor in agony. The injury really took a toll on him.

Hazel couldn't have been less amused, "If he can stand a slash to the face, you can stand a stab to the arm! Weakling! You stupid, big-headed weakling!"

She got out of her seat, and began walking towards him. Sam just layed on his back, with every breath he took being complete pain. She raised her foot, and then brought it down on Sam's injury. The pain was more than unbearable.

Sam screamed out in pain, and clutched his arm again. Hazel began to laugh.

"That's what you get! I want Skyra gone! And his bitchy-witchy friend! Go!" She yelled at him. Sam tried his hardest to get up, but his arm just wasn't responding. Hazel was growing impatient by every second.

"I said GO!" She roared, her eyes turning bloodshot. Sam knew he was in a dangerous situation, so he just got himself up before he caused anymore commotion. He fled out of the door.

"The stupid fool got my floors dirty..." She murmured as she got rid of her anger, "I guess I'll have to get someone to clean it."

She snapped her fingers, "FZ!"

At that instant, a young woman came bolting out. She looked at Hazel intentively.

"Clean that crap." Hazel ordered, pointing at the bloody mess. FZ looked at it, then did a saluting gesture to Hazel before running off. Assumingly, to get cleaning products. Hazel, who couldn't take any more interest, turned back to her screens in her seat.

"As soon as I finish this, I'll have Iceland and Japan at my feet! The money! And soon, I'll have the world! Ha ha! And then, maybe the universe! Ee hee hee!" She childishly cackled as she got on with what she was doing.


We slowly walk to the River Sheen, trying to think of a way to get to Haskah City. I can't think of any way to get there. I haven't ever been to the River Sheen, let alone Haskah City.

The walk almost makes me fall asleep, but I'm snapped out of my slumber by a startled cry.


It's Nelly. She's balancing on one foot, whilst trying to get something off the other. She puts her foot down as she brings a slip of paper to her face. It looks like she's trying to read something.

"A bus ticket? That can't be much help!"

I notice a booth, with a man in it.

Pointing at it, I state, "There's someone over there. Perhaps he knows."

The others nod in agreement. It looks like I'm leading the way. We walk up to him, like a group of lost schoolchildren. He turns to us, hearing our footsteps.

"How can I help?" He asks. He sounds like an alcoholic.

"Hey, I have this bus ticket..." Nelly begins. As soon as the man hears her say 'bus ticket', he starts to chuckle.

"The buses here went out of service three years ago!"

Nelly frowns, "Really? I wouldn't know, I don't come from this town."

The man's eyes widen, "Yeah? Well since you said that..."

He goes into a drawer and finds a slip of paper and hands it to me.

"There. Just for you lot. Ciao!" He smiles, before going back to what he was doing.

We walk away from the booth, and I read the paper he's given to me.

"Wow, a free boat ride for three!" I cry. Nelly almost jumps in excitement.

"Yes! I can see Toby!" She grins, excited. She's so happy, It'd be horrible of me to say no to her not coming.

"Now... Who should I take...?" I question. Everyone's eyes are on me.

"I'll take Nelly..." I begin. Nelly does a 'yes' noise under her breath.


They look at me. Skyra expects me to say him. Everyone does.

"I'll take Conor too." I smirk, looking directly at Skyra. Conor's surprised.

"Really? Thanks." He shrugs. Half of me wishes I said Skyra. This was gonna be a long journey...

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