Chapter 4- I don't know you, but I need more time...

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We all continue walking. On a tribe, with no set goal. We'd need more than 4 people. Soon.

 We're halted by Skyra, who looks like he's listening out for something.

He shakes his head, "There's something... But it's too far away."

"What do you mean?" I ask, intrigued.

"It's in the next town..." Skyra begins. We all groan.

"...I think."

"Skyra, we can't wander around aimlessly!" Azzy cries, a mixture of fury and fright.

"Let's just go to Kayseri City! I know something's there, but I don't know what it is." Skyra sighs. He sorrowfully walks on, while we treck behind. But I just know something bad will happen... And I know it'll happen soon



"Why do you even want me?" Nelly cried, not being able to move her legs under Sam's power.

"I just love it when people like you suffer, that's why." Sam cackles, "Anger, hatred, sorrow, fury, depression, I love it all!"

Nelly looked as if she was about to cry, "What kind of sick and twisted pyscho does that?!"

Sam turned to her, seething.

"Are you calling me a sick and twisted psycho?" He spat, his anger rising quickly.

"You heard me. Kill me, go on, I dare you. Because I'm sure when Toby finds out, he'll have you rotting in hell!" Nelly shouted, her anger almost as high as Sam's.

Sam got out a shriuken from his pocket, "Hell's been waiting for me since I was born!"

At that instant, he fired the shriuken at Nelly. Nelly locked her gaze on it. As it came flying towards her, she got her hand out ready. Incredibly, she managed to catch it without causing herself injury.

Sam smirked, "Hm, it seems your reflexes are better than I thought... Next time, expect more than a shriuken coming at your head."

Nelly glared at him. She couldn't even move from where she as. Only her upper body was free. Like she'd been paralysed...


"Can you sense anything yet?" Azzy questions, getting bored. Skyra clears his throat.

"I know there is something on Sixth Street." Skyra states. We all sigh in relief.

Conor, who hasn't said very much, decides to ask a question, "And why are we doing this?"

"Even though we are meant to be finding other people to join us, we still have to help out those in need."  She responds. Conor's satisfied with the answer and doesn't say anymore.

We finally arrive on Sixth Street. It's nothing too special, so I'm not surprised by it.

"I just knew it was here..." Skyra murmurs, pondering over the situation.

I walk over to Skyra, "What is this place?"

Skyra looks at me, "Sixth Street. But where is it...?"

Conor folds his arms, "It could be underground for all you know."

"It seems that beating up women isn't the only thing you're good at!" Skyra teases. Conor just gives him a dirty look. It seems that the tension between them is rising.

"Well, anyway, let's go underground!" Azzy pipes up.

"But how?" I quiz.

"Like so." Skyra announces.

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