Chapter 14- Shot me down

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Skyra loathed his human form. It used up too much energy. Well, more than he had ever used. It was slower. Weaker. Heavier. It left him exhausted. 

He sighed heavily.  He didn't want to be like this. He wanted to be the spirit he once was. Free. Able to seclude himself from everyone else. The thought stuck in his head like glue, the goal he wanted to achieve being so, so far away. 

Not forgetting his assignment, he stopped abruptively. The others, who were behind him, frowned in a perplexed manner and also stopped. 

"We have to go to Garshire, I believe." Skyra recalled from his memory. The others gave a short nod.

"Hmmmm, but I haven't seen anything signposted for a while..." He continued on, quite confused at this.

"Well, perhaps this is just a long road." Assumed Darragh.

"It can't be this long, I've been counting my footsteps. 952 to this exact spot!" Skyra exclaimed. Well, Skyra knew he was lying then. He'd lost count a long ways ago, so he'd guessed the answer. It did seem quite believeable, in his eyes.

"You really counted all of those steps?" Nelly asked, not buying his story.

Skyra looked annoyed when Nelly asked her question.

"Yes, I did." Was all Skyra responded, for he couldn't think of a better comeback. Nelly raised her eyebrows in a knowing manner, knowing that he was lying in a way.

"Hey, I had no comebacks. You shot me." Skyra added, expressing his annoyance. Nelly decided that the argument was worth nothing, since she was talking to Toby by the time Skyra had noticed.

"Well, come on. These generators won't shut down themselves, you know." Skyra stated. Starting the group's brisk walk, he set out a little ahead of them, as they followed suit. 

Skyra's muscles began to ache a little after they had set out on their stroll. 

Ugh, he thought, Stupid human issues!

He had paused before he said 'issues' in his mind, as he didn't know what word would be correct. He knew that he had a tendency to think about the words in his mind, repeating each one over and over until it meant nothing, but quite recently he had noticed a change. A change being one that meant he really analysed each word before letting it go, afraid that it would be lost. Forever.

But he wasn't bothered about pesky little words right now, as he was only focusing on his hurting body.

However, his body still felt like it wanted to go on, reaching new heights of being overworked. As Skyra had thought many a time in this form, it was a rather odd thing. Not like it was in his spirit form.  

Skyra didn't notice how much he was daydreaming until then, when Toby snapped him out of hia thoughts. He jolted at this, sending shock through his body.

"Skyra, we have to go this way." Explained Toby, standing where the others were.

Skyra shook his head, as if every thought he had was sticking to his head and he was trying to remove them all. He also folded his arms as he did this.

"Well, I certainly wasn't paying any attention." Skyra said sheepishly, walking over to the group. 

"Well, it's not like you ever do." Toby smirked. Skyra stopped by Ebisu and gave Toby a cold glare, as no other words would defend him. Toby decided to drop the talk after this. 

"Are we there yet?" Ebisu groaned.

"No..." The others chorused for the hundreth time. Garshire seemed to be miles away. Not even miles. Kilometres.

"I have a headache." Darragh moaned.

"My legs are dead." Sighed Toby.

"My feet are aching." Griped Nelly.

"I need a drink." Whined Ebisu.

Skyra was getting annoyed at them. He wasn't complaining, yet he felt like he was in the worst position. He got increasingly irritated at their complaining, as he couldn't do much.

Skyra stopped to turn and look at them with a highly displeased gaze.

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Skyra said, coldly. It came out more annoyed than he intended, but he really didn't care at that moment. Seemingly enough, it had worked.

The dumbstrucked others had no response. There wasn't an answer to that.

"See, we might all be feeling shit but it doesn't stop us from reaching our goal." Skyra continued, in a more lighter tone.

He strolled on past them, in a surprisingly cheery stride.

"Well, what's up with him?" Nelly pondered, surprised at his sudden change of attitude.

"I think he took his bitchy pills this morning." Answered Toby, sarcastically.

Shutting down the second generator, Skyra nodded in approval to this action.

"Wow, we're faster than I would've expected." He commented, getting out the communicator.

While the others worked on the generator, Skyra walked away from the scene, quietly, to talk to a certain someone through his communicator.

"Azzy." He had spoken the moment he was out of sight from the others, slamming his thumb down on the button.

The communicator didn't display a message in what felt like forever, but it finally did with a familar voice speaking through.

"Skyra." The communicator spoke.

"Have you done your misson yet?"

"No, not yet. Why?"

"Good, I have a request." Skyra stated.

"Oh, what? It'd better not be inconvienient." Azzy responded, seemingly put off.

"Meet us by that building near the laboratory."

"It's a deal." Azzy agreed, before she hung up.

Skyra put the communicator away, and slowly made his way back to his team.

Gotta focus, you can't keep making arrangements. He thought.

"Where were you?" Darragh asked as he emerged.

"Eh, I had to quickly update our progress. Nothing more." He lied.

"Really?" Ebisu rolled his eyes, not buying his story.

Skyra huffed a little, "I got Azzy to wait for us as the last generator is where she has to go."

"Truth?" Toby quizzed.

"I'm no liar." Skyra countered.

None of the boys were having it, but they gave in, so they didn't waste anymore time.

"I rest my case." Finished Toby.

"Well, I think we ought to go. We shouldn't waste anymore time." Skyra added, a little after Toby's speech.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2012 ⏰

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