Chapter 1

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beep beep beep

The sleepy red head groaned as he fumbled around to find his phone and turn off the annoying ringing of the alarm, he swore school was gong to be the death of him someday, but it wasn't all bad, he had some things to look forward too like seeing his friends. However, his friends weren't enough to make him want to be awake so early, but he knew he had to get up for school and so he started his usual sequence of waking up; he sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes which were laced with sleep and stretched out his rested body, bones cracking in him arms, legs and back as he did so. His bright red eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the sudden change of brightness. After turning off his alarm and fully waking up, he moved his messy mop of hair away from his eyes so he could look at his phone. He noticed he had several messages from his best friend, Kaminari, he had a few other notifications but none were quite as important as texts from Kaminari. He was always priority in Kirishima's mind.

'Yo Kirishima! Not sure if you're awake yet but is it cool for me to come over before school?'

'Yeah that's cool! See you soon :)'

Kirishima and Kaminari had been friends for a while now, ever since they joined the same high school, they quickly bonded and became very close. They had so much in common and never ran out of things to talk about - even if most of their conversations were nothing important and usually just any stupid thing they could have a laugh at; they enjoyed each other's company a lot and were now inseparable. After being on break for a couple weeks and them both being too busy to hang out, Kirishima was excited to see him again, he was always happy around friends but around Kaminari he was always especially happy.

One thing that pained him the most about getting up for school was how long it took him to do his hair everyday, he used gel and hairspray to keep it spiked up as he hated the mop it naturally was. He'd been told several times by people how cute he looked with his hair down the way it naturally fell but he never listened, he loved it spiked up and didn't care that people thought it looked stupid because it was what he liked, that was enough for him to be happy with his appearance. Plus, his friends always reassured him it looked good, they're the only opinions that matter to him.

After doing his hair for around 20 minutes and quickly getting dressed into his school uniform, Kirishima walked downstairs to get breakfast, hoping to finish eating by the time Kaminari arrived to his house. He was greeted by his mother and he smiled at him cheerily whole offering to make him some breakfast, "Morning honey! Would you like a bacon sandwich?" That was one of his favourite breakfast foods and she made him one quite often, which he was very grateful for.

"Yes please, thank you mum." He said while flashing a smile at her, he smiled as much as he could in any situation and was quite the optimist; a trait he knew he developed from his mother. She always tried her hardest to stay positive, for both her sake and for the people around her. Kirishima loved this about her so he also tried to be as positive as he could be.

"I'm guessing Kaminari will be here soon, would he want one too?" She asked as she was putting bacon down in the pan to begin cooking. Kirishima smiled and nodded, this was another thing he loved and tried to mimic from his mother, how considerate she was of other people and how kind she always was. She had no way of knowing if Kaminari was coming or not but she was so thoughtful about other people that she offered anyway.

There was a loud knock at the door and Kirishima smiled and practically sprinted towards the door, he had missed Kaminari so much, which may have seemed odd to most people since they were only friends, but that was just the kind of friendship they had, the kind where people mistook them as a couple far too often. He never thought much of other people's opinions though.

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