Chapter 3

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It was after school, Kirishima had gone home to change out of his school uniform and so had the rest of the group, they hadn't decided what movie they were going to see yet but that was decision they could make together at the cinema. Kirishima greeted his mother on the way in and told her he was going out, she nodded but stopped him before he went upstairs. Kirishima knew she was going to bring up what he was saying this morning; he was terrified.

"Honey, that thing you wanted to tell me this morning," she paused for a moment, taking a deep breath, it was hard for her to ask because she hated being too intrusive "is it about Kaminari?" She seemed concerned but also happy. She was being as gentle as she could be. She never wanted to anger her son or step over boundaries, she respected his privacy. Kirishima was always thankful to have such a great mother.

Kirishima sighed before replying. He looked down at the ground and began speaking slowly and quietly, still loud enough for his mother to hear though. He was so scared to say this to her despite knowing she'd always support him no matter what. "Yeah.. I-I really like him mum. I wanna be with him romantically. I want him to be mine." His mother was shocked but also sort of knew that was the case, it was as obvious to her as it was to others. "I'm sorry I'm gay.." Kirishima spoke again, quieter this time as he was trying not to cry in front of his mum. He wasn't sure how she was going to take this news so he was preparing for the worst.

He felt warm arms surround him in a hug and his mother had tears in her eyes. "Don't apologise for that EIjiro, I love you and I always will, your sexuality doesn't change who you are. I think it's cute you like Kaminari, and I really hope he likes you too. You deserve the best in this world and he is definitely the best for you." Kirishima was already crying while she was talking he hugged her back so tightly and let his tears come out onto her. He was so unbelievably happy to have the mother he had.

"Thank you so much mum, I love you." They smiled at each other and both wiped their tears away, they both got emotional easily but it was just another thing Kirishima loved about her.

"I love you too honey, now go get changed, I'm sure Kaminari will be here soon." Kirishima nodded and ran up the stairs to his room. He stripped down to his boxers and while looking for something to wear, he got distracted by looking into the mirror that was on the door of his wardrobe. He was quite proud of his body, he had abs from working out a lot and had muscular arms from his weight lifting. His legs were just as muscular as the rest of him because of the runs he went on too. He was confident. He didn't necessarily think he was hot or good looking he just thought he looked good.

While Kirishima had been looking at himself in the mirror, Kaminari arrived and his mother let him in and told him where Kirishima was, she assumed he would be ready because he usually didn't take long changing. He walked up the stairs and got to Kirishima's room where the door was slightly ajar, he peeked in to see whether Kirishima was ready and saw him staring at himself in his boxers. His face immediately went red and he looked away in case Kirishima had seen him. He could feel the growing blush on his face, why was he so flustered over seeing him almost naked? His abs were so prominent when he wasn't wearing clothes and Kaminari just couldn't stop thinking about his body.

He knocked on the door to announce his presence to Kirishima and said "Hey dude, can I come in?" He heard Kirishima fall over onto the ground and then he could hear him scrambling around, presumably for clothes. Kirishima opened the door moments later, now dressed in jeans and a shirt. Why couldn't he get the image of those abs out of his head?

"Hey dude." Kirishima smiled, he seemed to be flustered as well. "I'll grab my phone and my money and then we'll go." Kaminari simply nodded, he was trying to figure out just why Kirishima's body had such an effect on him. In the end, he gave up and figured he couldn't figure it out and just tried to shake it off and the two of them walked down the stairs, grabbed snacks from the kitchen and made their way out of the door.

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