Chapter 6

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It was the following day and Kaminari had walked to school with Kirishima like they always did. They were both awkward but for different reasons. Kaminari was scared to pretend to like Mina in front of Kirishima, and Kirishima was scared of Kaminari being with someone else. Kaminari and Mina's plans were going to make Kirishima's fears worse, but neither had any way of knowing that. Mina thought it was a great idea since she knew they liked each other and Kaminari was just desperate for Kirshima to like him back.

Throughout the day, Kaminari and Mina had been subtly flirting but they exaggerated it a lot more at lunch, when Kirishima was sitting across from them and able to see everything they did. The one good thing about their flirting was that Kirishima knew Kaminari wasn't with Jiro, but it hurt him a lot more to see him and Mina flirting right in front of him. Especially when Mina knew about his feelings, he felt betrayed and like he was being taken for a joke. He wondered why Mina had done such a thing, they'd known each other since middle school yet she was willing to flirt with his best friend who he liked so badly.

It hurt him so much to see the boy he wanted to be with so bad flirting with one of his closest friends. He distracted himself by talking to Bakugou and Sero but he couldn't block them out entirely. It was impossible for him not to notice the way Kaminari seemed so happy to be like that with Mina.

Walks to and from school that week were getting increasingly more awkward and Kirishima stopped Kaminari from coming over after school. He needed his alone time. Kaminari was hurting him so much he couldn't bare alone time with him in a time like that. He barely even wanted to talk to Kaminari those few days, he still did since he didn't want to lose his friendship but it was so hard for him to have a stable conversation, he didn't know what to say since he couldn't get the flirting out of his mind. He couldn't stop doubting himself.

That whole week had been terrible for him. On Monday he thought Jiro and Kaminari were together and cried over the thought of them being together, then on Tuesday, Wednesday and that day - Thursday, he was watching Kaminari and Mina flirting and getting progressively closer. Whenever he was alone he'd cry at the thought of Mina being in the position he wanted to be in. It was getting hard to face Kaminari without crying. Why did fate hate him so much? Was it really that wrong for him to like Kaminari like that? All he wanted was to be happy, but it was evident now that that wouldn't happen.

His mum was being very supportive and helping him through this but he just couldn't get over it. His chances of being with Kaminari were growing smaller and smaller every day. His dreams about Kaminari were no longer the two of them being in a happy relationship, his naps and his sleep consisted of dreams that resulted in him waking up crying.

They were always about Kaminari choosing anyone but him. He was getting annoyed by sleeping but also got progressively more tired as the days went on. He stayed up way past his usual bed time because he didn't want to sleep and face the awful dreams, his conscious thoughts weren't much better however.

That Thursday night, he showered and laid down in his bed ready to sleep. He scrolled through instagram for a while before passing out, he was so tired from the lack of sleep over the past few days that he just couldn't stay awake that night. Once again, he dreamed about Kaminari.


Kirishima walked through the school, no one talking to him or smiling at him, no one even looking at him. This was just the way it was now. No one stuck around him. He was invisible to everyone.

His friends stood at the end of the hallway, Kaminari and Mina hand in hand, smiling and acting like the typical high school couple. None of them turned to look at him or smile at him. Every step he took towards him they didn't get closer. His movement's felt like he was running through a thick liquid and he couldn't get any closer to his friends. Why was fate keeping them apart like this?

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