Chapter 8

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That week had been a painful week to say the least. The day was currently Wednesday and everyday Kirishima had woken up with no energy and no will to go to school. His mother didn't make him go in because she feared making her son feel even worse. Bakugou had been over after school the day before to give him any work he'd missed from Monday and Tuesday. He was also constantly checking up on Kirishima through texts, one reason being he genuinely cared for his wellbeing and another reason being Kirishima's mother had requested Bakugou to check up on her son and make sure everything was okay.

He'd text him simple questions like 'have you eaten?' or 'how much sleep did you get?' He asked every day as well if he was going to be in school, ready to offer to walk with him if the answer was yes, but he hadn't received that as an answer yet.

Kirishima missed Kaminari so much, and he knew Kaminari was showing up to his house twice a day, he simply left the knocks unanswered or his mother told him to leave. He missed him, but there was no way he could face him just yet. He was in far too much emotional pain to face the boy who broke his heart.

When the door was knocked on that morning, he wanted nothing more than to run and hug his friend... wow did he miss those amazing hugs. But, no matter how much he wanted to get up and hug his friend, he couldn't find the motivation or energy to move and he was terrified of facing him. He knew he'd burst into tears the moment his eyes met with those beautiful golden orbs.

Kaminari was upset that Kirishima was still ignoring him and not going into school but he understood why, he was heartbroken. Kaminari would be acting the exact same way if it was the other way around so he didn't want to pressure Kirishima into talking.

He sadly made his way to school, wishing he someone to talk to like he usually did. When he got there, he found Sero and the two of them stood against a wall.

"I don't know what to do man. I miss him so much, but he won't reply to my texts, answer my calls and he won't even answer the door when I go to his house." Kaminari said to his friend, hoping for some helpful advice to get him through this. He just wanted to hear Kirishima's voice and his laugh, he wanted to see his beautiful grin again, he wanted to look into his sparkling red eyes that were always filled with happiness. He wanted his friend back - but he wanted him to be more than that.

"Maybe you should stop trying to contact him for a while, keep your distance and give him space. He might feel worse with you trying to contact him constantly." Kaminari didn't like that idea, but even he knew it was probably for the best.

"But his birthday is soon, I don't want him to be like this on his birthday." Birthdays were special to Kirishima so Kaminari didn't want him to be so sad on his birthday.

Sero's eyes lit up, he had an idea and it was one Kaminari liked. "Leave him alone until Saturday, then knock on his door and if he doesn't open up, go around the house until you're under his bedroom window and shout up to him how you feel. He's bound to come talk to you if you tell him you love him." Kaminari was happy with this plan, praying to God that it solved this problem. It would definitely make Kirishima's birthday special too.

"Do you think it'll work?" Neither of them knew if it would 100% work but it was the best idea either of the two had had so Kaminari decided to go along with it.

The next few days were stressful for Kaminari. He browsed through many different florists to find the perfect flowers to give Kirishima when he professed his love to him. He also bought him some chocolates and a penguin plushie. Kaminari hoped he would like all of these presents and that he'd accept his love.

It was hard for him to not go knocking on his friend's door or send him texts. He wanted nothing more than to have even a small conversation, but he knew that Sero was right about giving him space.

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