Chapter 4

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Kaminari walked home after him and Kirishima had said their goodbyes. It was getting dark but it was still light enough for him to walk home without his mother shouting about how it was dangerous to walk alone in the dark.

He felt weird inside, his head was clouded with thoughts, his stomach was feeling weird, he wasn't sure what was going on with him. Ever since seeing Kirishima basically naked and then Kirishima sleeping on his shoulder, and him saying his name in his sleep he'd been feeling weird.. Why did those events have such an effect on him? He wanted to stop thinking about Kirishima but he couldn't shake the thoughts.

There'd been times before where he felt weird and couldn't stop thinking about Kirishima and he couldn't get him out of his head - but this time was different than the other times. It was worse and he doubted he'd shake this feeling off any time soon.

After being lost in his thoughts during his walk home, he was brought back to reality when he approached the front door of his house, he couldn't look so distracted when he greeted his mother, she'd bug him about what was wrong and he wouldn't even have an answer to give. He opened it and slipped inside, taking off his shoes after closing the door. "Hey mum, I'm home." He called out so she knew it was him that entered the house rather than a stranger, she was always paranoid about that for some odd reason. She was just overprotective over their home and her family.

"Hi honey, did you enjoy the movie? Also are you hungry? I made you some dinner earlier but you might have to microwave it since it might be a little cold by now." She always said a million things at once and Kaminari was accustomed to giving multiple answers at once too.

"Yeah the movie was good, I didn't really pay much attention to it though since it was a stupid romance movie. And yeah I'm hungry, thank you for making me dinner." He was walking towards the kitchen as he was replying to his mum, he walked inside and grabbed the food his mother had made, shoving it in the microwave for 3 minutes.

"Those stupid romance movies could help you finally get a girlfriend." She teased, she always talked about about him getting a girlfriend and he hated it. He'd just never really found anyone he'd liked that way before. Yeah he flirted with girls sometimes but they usually turned down getting to know him. He just didn't attract people. It got lonely but he knew he'd fall in love someday, well that's what he hoped for anyway.

"I don't need a girlfriend yet." He replied simply, he was sick of having the same conversation with his mum almost everyday. He just wanted her to give him space.

"You'll never get a girlfriend in the future if you don't have any experience with girls." The microwave beeped loudly announcing that the food was done and Kaminari picked up his food and grabbed a drink. The plate was hot but he didn't care, he just wanted to get out of the room and stop talking to his mother.

When he started to leave, he stopped in the doorway before speaking, "What if I don't even want a girlfriend?" He didn't wait for her to reply and he just walked upstairs to his room before sitting on his bed, pulling up Netflix on his laptop and eating his food. He thought about his own words he'd said to his mother, did he want a girlfriend? He said that to shut her up but the more he thought about it the more he realised he really didn't want a girlfriend.

He wanted a relationship definitely, but he'd never had a crush on a girl before. He wasn't really sure if he'd ever had a crush on a guy before though, so he didn't know what his sexuality was. Maybe he just had to wait for the right girl to come along, that's what most people tell him anyway. What did a crush even feel like? His thoughts immediately jumped to Kirishima. He didn't like him like that, there's no way he liked Kirishima, but he began to think about it more and more - he did like Kirishima in more than a friendly way. How had he not realised that before? He thought a crush would be something super obvious but he was completely oblivious to his own feelings for whatever amount of time he'd actually liked Kirishima.

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