Chapter 2

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Kirishima awoke at his normal time despite being extremely tired and honestly feeling a little sick due to his nerves. He didn't want to go into school today, he didn't want to face Kaminari in the mental state he was currently in. He laid in bed for a few minutes contemplating if he should fake being ill or not, in the end he decided not to because he cared too much about his education. Although, he wasn't going to be paying much attention to his classes that day because of Kaminari.

After hauling himself out of bed and stretching, he walked out of his bedroom into his bathroom and picked up his hair gel. As he was stroking the gel into his hair, spiking it upwards, all he could think about was how perfect Kaminari's hair is. He couldn't stop thinking about him and he felt so dizzy and nauseous over it. If only Mina hadn't asked him that question last night.. Everything would still be normal.

He sighed when he'd finished, staring at himself in the mirror. His pale skin was marked with a tint of purple underneath his eyes which were bloodshot and begging for more sleep. He'd never looked so drained of life. His sleeping schedule had always been so good, he'd always stuck to it. He knew people were gonna notice his lack of sleep, especially Kaminari, and that would lead to many questions, questions he couldn't answer to anyone other than Mina.

If Kaminari found out about this he would lose his best friend, he'd lose everything that held him together. He never wanted to lose him.

Kirishima walked back into his bedroom and noticed his phone light up with a text notification. It was from Kaminari.

'Hey dude! I'll be over again this morning, see you soon! :)'

'Okay dude. See you soon :)'

Kirishima's heart raced again, what is he going to do? What is going to happen when Kaminari hugs him? He wasn't going to be able to act normal, he'd end up being weird due to the growing anxiety inside of him. Fuck this was going to be so hard to deal with.

After getting dressed and going downstairs to be greeted with his mum he contemplated telling his mum about the whole crush thing. How would she react? What would she do? He doubted she was homophobic but still there was the big fear of being disowned, he didn't want to be a disappointment to his mum.

"Mum, I need to tell you something." He said, his breathing jagged due to his nerves, all of his fears were racing around his head. He couldn't do this. Why did he make the decision to say that? Now he had to tell her.

"What is it honey?" As she said this she stared at Kirishima with concern, she could tell he was really shaken up about whatever it was that was going on, she cared for him a lot and never wanted to see him in such a state.

"Well I-" His talking was cut off by a loud knock on the door. Thank god he didn't have to tell his mum now. But then the realisation hit him, Kaminari was at his door, Kaminari was standing outside, waiting to hug him, waiting to shine his bright, adorable smile. Kirishima wasn't ready to see him but he had to answer the door. He couldn't leave him waiting outside.

He nervously made his way towards the door, taking a deep breath and putting a big smile on his face as he opened it. Sure enough, he was met with Kaminari, although he was pouting rather than smiling, which was the most adorable thing Kirishima had ever seen.

"Man you took longer than usual I'm so offended." He said jokingly and Kirishima laughed, trying not to think about his stupid feelings.

"You know, I'm just getting so tired of you." Kirishima joked, although it was partly true.. He was so tired of these feelings and he'd only realised them a few hours ago.

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