Chapter 7

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As Kirishima was crying to himself, sitting alone in that bathroom stall, not caring if anyone was in the bathroom and could hear him crying - he couldn't keep his pain suppressed. A soft knocking from the other side of the door made him look up from his hands and look forward.

"Are you okay? I know seeing Kaminari want someone else must kill, I'm here for you though." Kirishima had never heard Bakugou talk so softly, there was no trace of anger or violence, he was being completely nice and calm. "Open the door, I know you need a hug right now, you always do in bad situations." Another unexpected action. Bakugou hated hugs or physical contact in general. He was also surprised that Bakugou had actually paid attention to the fact he loves hugs, and that he especially needed them in times he was upset.

Kirishima knew Bakugou was trying hard to be nice so he stood up slowly and reached his shaking hand out to unlock the stall door. He opened it and was met with a concerned Bakugou, his features laced with worry and not a single hint of his usual annoyance was present on his face.

His tears hadn't stopped, and he sniffled as he leapt towards Bakugou and tightly hugged him. He needed comfort in this moment. Hugs were one of the most comforting things in Kirishima's opinion. Bakugou reluctantly hugged back, he really didn't like contact like this but Kirishima had opened up to him and he wasn't willing to let the red head be alone while he was so sad.

They hugged for a while, Kirishima crying into the blonde's shoulder, Bakugou patting his back to comfort him and to try calm his trembling body. When the tears stopped coming and he was reduced to just sniffling, Kirishima let go and stared at Bakugou for a moment, mustering up a smile. It was nowhere near as big or bright as his usual grins, but it was still a genuine smile, to thank his friend for the kindness he had shown.

"Thank you for being here for me Bakugou." Kirishima said quietly, not feeling up to talking loudly like he usually did. The sniffles never ceased either, some sneaking their way in between words.

"It's okay, although I've never had a crush or been in love, I imagine it would kill to see the person you want so badly want someone else. I'll be here for you whenever you need me, and if you need space I'll give you space. You're my best friend, you're the only person who actually wanted to be my friend and tried to be friends with me, I'll always be here to support you." Bakugou said, his voice was still soft and caring, it was hard for him to talk like that, but he couldn't be aggressive to someone when they were in such a fragile state.

Kirishima smiled again, his smile being a little bigger this time, "Thank you bro." The two of them walked out of the bathroom, people staring at Kirishima's puffy, watery eyes; his usual bubbly, happy personality was nowhere to be seen. He walked slowly behind Bakugou, he didn't want to face Kaminari or Mina or even Sero at that point. They reached their classroom, it was empty, but they sat down in their seats. Kirishima had his head laid in his arms and Bakugou let him have some alone time. Both of them were relieved that it had been empty when they arrived.

The bell rang loudly, and the quiet atmosphere was soon replaced with happy chatter, there were multiple conversations going on, all to do about weekend plans since it was a Friday. Kirishima didn't look up until a few minutes had gone by and their teacher had begun speaking. He wasn't paying attention for the rest of the day, his thoughts clouded by what had happened. Hid thoughts had grown so depressing now and he was just getting sadder and sadder.

The bell at the end of the day rang loudly, breaking Kirishima out of his thoughts and he picked up his stuff and quickly ran out of the classroom and out of the school; he couldn't face Kaminari in the state he was in, he couldn't walk home with him. After a while, he slowed down and walked at a steady pace while catching his breath. Why was life so fucked for him?

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