Chapter 26

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Ali's POV: 

I sighed looking at my reflection in the mirror one last time.  

I debated on my clothing for today for hours and now it was almost 12:30 and we were about to leave for the meeting with the boys' management. 

My stomach felt twisted and I was trying not to throw up. Sure, I've met Simon already but he was nothing but nice to me. I don't exactly want to see him angry and some thing is telling me he will be pissed... Along with the other people.

"Ali, are you ready to go..?"

I turned from the mirror to the doorway to see Harry looking astonishing as ever. He had on dark jeans and his black Ramones shirt. He had on his white converse and was pulling on his beanie as we stood there.

"Do I look okay..?" I asked turning back to the mirror. I had on a pair on black jeans and a white flowly shirt with sleeves that came to my elbows. In gold and black it said "Make things happen."

Harry chuckled and made his way over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his chin on my shoulder.

" Ali you always look good. Incredible, in fact," he stopped talking and kissed my blushing cheeks. "You're beautiful."

I blushed an ever darker red and turned to hug him. He chuckled again as I buried my face in his chest. Which I've come to realize I do often...

"Plus, I really like this thing," Harry teased picking up my hair that I had fishtail braided.

I giggled and shook my head. "You are such a dork. Come on, let's go."

He smiled, his heart melting smile, and took my hand to steady me as I slipped on my black TOMS. When I was finished he tugged me out the door and we were off.


"Ali! I've missed you!!"

I turned to see Eleanor running at me with her arms open for a hug. Louis slowly walking behind her smiling. I laughed and hugged her as we collided.

"Wouldn't of thought we saw each other yesterday would ya?"

She laughed and continued to hug me.


We turned, or more like waddled in our little embrace, to face the other way to see Dani running after us. Liam already chuckling with Louis, Harry, and Zayn.  

We re-opened our arms to let her in.

"Hey girls! Miss me?" She laughed.

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "More than I missed El? Of course!" 

Dani laughed while Eleanor gasped.

"Ali!! I thought we had something real!"

I only laughed harder as we slowly untangled ourselves from one another.

"See, I'm sure you'll get along fine," I heard an Irish voice whisper.

I turned to see Niall holding hands with a pretty blue eyed girl who I'm assuming is Leah.

"You must be Leah!!" Eleanor swooned rushing over to her.

Dani and I chuckled and followed her. 

The girl, Leah, smiled. 

"Thats me!" She laughed. 

Instantly a light bulb went off in my head. A light bulb hitting familiarity..


Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Dani, and Eleanor looked at me strangely while Leah laughed. 

"I seriously didn't think people knew me!" 

I smiled and nodded yes.

"Wait... Do you two know each other..?" Liam asked confused.

We both nodded no.

"I don't know her know her but I know who she is. She's like on of the funniest people on YouTube! I've been subscribe to her for like ever!" I cheered still smiling.

"Wait..? You make videos?" Niall asked still confused. Leah laughed and nodded. Obviously they hadn't brought up her hobbies yet.

"Wait... Are you THE Leah who made that video of yourself swimming in jello with your cat..?" Eleanor asked suddenly getting excited again.

Leah nodded, "Kitty Jello, flavor not the best. Over a million hits."

Suddenly Eleanor let out a squeal and rushed over to Dani grabbing her arm jumping up and down. "OMG OMG OMG! DANI I SENT YOU THAT VIDEO!!! IT'S HER!!" 

This time we all laughed.

"El, babes, you sent it to ALL of us!" Louis laughed pulling a giddy El into his arms.

"I can't believe I didn't recognize you! I loved that video!" Niall gasped.

It only caused Leah to blush which I mentally fist pumped since now I wasn't the only one who turned into a tomato.

Dani went into Liam's arms. Me in Harry's, and Zayn smiled as Perrie walked up an into his arms.

Niall chuckled some more and pulled Leah into his as well. 

"My girlfriend is an Internet star," he said kissing her cheek.

I instantly felt Harry's arms tighten around me.

Oh damn...

"Girlfriend..? Wait so have you asked 

Tim already..?" Harry choked out.

Harry had explained to me over breakfast that Tim was mainly in charge of this stuff because he was head of management next to Simon. Basically, Tim is the one who is deciding the fate of our relationship later...

"Erm.. yeah mate. I did. He said it was fine..." Niall said cautiously. 

Obviously he didn't want Harry to get worked up.

Harry sighed and tugged at his hair. "Am I the only one who forgot?!"

The rest of us frowned and I also turned to kiss him.

"They said yes to him... So they'll probably say yes to us too..." I mumbled.

He shook his head and looked at my with sad eyes.

Hoy crud , what was he about to tell me...

"Ali... I... Forgot to mention..."

I felt the tension tighten in the air and my heart felt prepared to shatter...

"Harry... What did you forget..."

He sighed again and looked at me with the same sad expression.

"Management wanted to keep me single..."

I made some strange gasping pain sound as I collapsed to my knees on the ground.

Everyone let out a worried shout and rushed over to me.

My heart was breaking. I felt it.. 

I knew this was the end..

Why?! WHY?! Why was I so damn stupid and allowed myself to try with him! I knew it wouldn't work!!! URGH!!! I'm so stupid!!

"Ali!! ALI!! Ali, baby say something..!" I heard Harry shout as he wiped my falling tears.

I shook my head and tried to speak but it only came out a croak.


Excuse me..?"

I stopped crying and we all turned towards the doors.

A small blonde women stood there looking at us questionably holding a clip board.

"They will see you now..." She muttered before walking back inside.

Everyone turned back to my and I felt myself start to panic.

I wasn't nervous anymore...

I was now completely utterly terrified.

Tidal Waves. (UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION.) Formerly known as SEPOYH. Where stories live. Discover now