Chapter 48

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Liam's POV:

"HARRY!" Zayn shouted pulling him off of me.

Harry kicked and flailed but coutniued shouting. "LIAM PAYNE YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!! I COULDN'T EVEN SAY ONE WORD??!?!!"

I stood up and spit out some blood.

"Harry, just look. Fighting me as already drawn a ton of attention," I said referring the the thousands of flashed around us and shouts.


I wiped the blood form my nose and shook my head no.

"Not really Haz. Except that would of been a bigger story. Harry, please.. listen to me..?"

He stopped fighting and starred down at the ground.

"Haz..?" Zayn called to him.

Harry sighed and looked up at me tears falling fast.

"I'm sorry, Li..."

I grinned and walked over to him. "It's okay Harry. No sweat. I would do the same if it was Dani."

He gave me a soft smile.

"Now come here, Hazza. Give me a hug."

He chuckled and pulled Zayn in along with him. Togtether all three of us stood in a hug, ignoring the nosey paps.


Ali's POV:

"WHY!?!?!" I cried as Louis and El brought me into the room.

"Oh, Ali!" Leah exclaimed running out of the kitchen and hugging me.

"But..but.. Louis why?! Not even one word?!"

Louis sighed and sat down.

"Ali, if it was up to me I would let you two be together in public always. But you can't be caught! And if you two would of kissed!"

"WE WOULDN'T! We know better!!"

He looked at me and frowned. "Really, Ali?"

I sobbed and shook my head.

Damn, he was right.

I would never be able to control myself and I was only moments from kissing him earlier.. And I hadn't even seen his face yet..

"Ali, we want you together," El said joining our hug, "But Tim won't allow it. Not yet at least. And we don't want to loose you..."

"And that Marie girl should watch her back before I go off on her!" Niall shouted, still from the kitchen.

We all chuckled.

"Niall, your as scary as a kola!" Louis laughed.

Niall walked out, burger in hand, and pouted. "No cool," he said with some chunks flying out.

All three of us girls sqeauled and ran towards the couch by Louis.

"Ali, we love you. And we love Haz. We'll find a way," El said.

Everyone else nodded.

"We'll figure something out, Ali. You'll get to see Harry."

I looked at Louis, through the tears, and half smiled. "Promise?"

He chuckled, "I promise."

I sniffled and wiped my nose.

"So what are we going to do?" Niall asked.

"Movie lazy day?" Leah suggested.

I chuckled, "Only if we can order waffles."

Everyone looked at me.

"What, I want waffles..."

They all looked at each other before busting out laughing.

I blushed and tried to hide my smile.

"Sure, Ali. We can order waffles." Louis tease.

I grinned and shoved him towards the hotel room's phone.

"Pushy much?" He laughed. I grinned and nodded.

"I'll order if you all go change and pick out the moives, kay?"

All of us nodded and ran off.

I chuckled as I walked into my room and headed for my bags. I pulled out my grey sweat pants and my white tshirt. I got changed and slipped on my fuzzy socks before heading back out into the living room and meeting them.

"Hey! We match!" 

I looked at Louis who also had on grey sweat pants and a white tshirt.

I chuckled and gave him a thumbs up.

"So when's the waffles getting here?" I asked taking a seat next to Eleanor on the couch. Niall and Leah were on the love seat, and Louis was on the other side of El.

"You mean the waffles, pizza, ice cream, tacos, and crisps? In about 20 minutes."

I laughed and looked at Niall, "That hungry? And we just had burgers! Well, you finished yours at least!"

He grinned and Leah patted his head.

"Alright so what movie are we watching?" Eleanor asked as she flipped through the Pay per view movies on the screen.

I saw a familiar title and grinned.

"HUNGER GAMES!!" I shouted.

"What?! It's out on DVD already??" Leah asked.

I chuckled and nodded.

"WE'RE WATCHING IT!" She shouted.

(A/N: BTW anyone else go last Thursday night/friday midnight to get it on dvd? I spent $77! Lol, go gifts for friends, all three books, and a beanie! ^.^ Anyways on with the book)

Eleanor chuckled and hit rent, since Liam told us earlier we could rent movies here since they could afford it.

"Guys before we start this I would just like to say, 

Gale is hot. But Team Peeta!"

Everyone laughed at me and I grinned as the movie started with the words coming across the screen discussing the beginning of the Hunger Games.

"I've never seen this," Niall whispered earning loud, "SHHH's," from Leah and me.

All my thoughts about earlier and everything completely went away and I focused on the movie and the movie only.


"And may the odds be ever in your favor!" Effie cheered on screen.

I grinned getting ready for my favorite part.

But just then there was a knock on the door.

Louis paused the movie, "Must be the waffles," he chuckled.

I shot up from the couch and yelled. 

"I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute to open that door!!"

I ran off to the door and grinned ad everyone behind me fell over laughing.

I chuckled and opened the door.

The laughing behind me stopped.

I froze.

And my eyes got wide.

"Harry... What are you doing here?"

Tidal Waves. (UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION.) Formerly known as SEPOYH. Where stories live. Discover now