Chapter 70

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Ali’s POV:

“So I’m… p...pregnant?” I stuttered.

My doctor nodded, “Looks like it. So would you like some adoption papers? Or abortion? Anything?”

My jaw dropped.

Abortion was something I didn’t believe in at all. You abort a baby; you’re killing a helpless human.

“Is that a yes? Or a no?” He asked.

“No.” I spat.

El’s head snapped towards me.

“So you’re keeping it?” She asked with a hint of a smile.

Though I don’t see why since it isn’t a happy matter…

“Yes, I am. Now if that’s all doctor…”

He shrugged, “That’s all I can do. You need to set up a normal pregnancy doctor for you and start your checkups. Maybe get on some prenatal vitamins and start buying some other clothes.”

“That’s no problem. Thank you, Doctor,” Eleanor said standing up from the seat and grasping my hand in hers.

“It was no problem. And good luck Miss.Metchons,” he told us as I stood up and followed El.

I just nodded in acknowledgment and walked out of the room.

Both of us, Eleanor and me, found our way out of the building and outside to cab. Both of our hands we still clasped together and we slid into a cab.

As El started giving the cab driver directions, I kept myself calm but looking out the window.

If I thought that the stress I had from this whole Marie stuff was bad… Just imagine how much more stressed I’ll be adding a baby into the picture…

And doing it by myself too….


I felt my heart sting as I thought that.

The idea of leaving Harry still hurt.

I didn’t want to but it’s the best for him and for the band…

It would be really easy just to march into the suit and tell Harry about our baby, but I’m not going to.

First off, I don’t know how he’ll react if I did tell him. Would he see it as a cry for attention?

Second off, if he knows and it gets out… I won’t even hastate to think of what Tim will do.

“Ali… You okay? You look deep in thought,” El asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and continued gazing.

“It will be okay, Ali. Harry won’t hate you. He’ll be a great father.”

I nodded again and shut my eyes, holding back tears. No doubt, if he wanted this kid, he would be a great father.

But he won’t know.

I can’t tell him.

“Just tell him when we get inside, okay? We’re here anyways.”

I opened my eyes and looked up, seeing the back entrance off the hotel right there.

“Back way?” I croaked.

Tidal Waves. (UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION.) Formerly known as SEPOYH. Where stories live. Discover now