The Vampires Princess

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My name is Joshua, but I prefer to be called Josh or Master. Yeah I like being called 'Master' the best. Why? Because I'm a king of course. How do I explain myself, mmmmm.... Well for one thing I enjoy torturing the weak around me and I don't really like anyone, and I have never loved, no joke. I am pretty young I suppose to be a king, I'm still in high school but I'll take my rightfully place on the throne after high school. 

I lept out of bed and sped down the road past the cars to school. Snow falled steadily as I raced to school, I lived five blocks away and I made to school in one minute. My long wintercoat flew behind me as I ran at speeds impossible for regular humans. I slowed down once I reached the school building. As I walked up the stairs into the school people moved a distance away from me like I had an invisible bubble around me. They fear me I thought smiling cruely. I stopped at my locker and hung my coat up inside. It was expensive so I didn't want to just go tossing it where ever. I wore a navy blue t-shirt and jeans, the usual wear. I grabbed my stuff and turned around. As soon as I turned around some stupid kid ran right into me. 

"Hey watche where your-" the kid stopped mid sentence. I reconized him easily. He was the second strongest guy in school, the quarterback of the football team.

"Oh sorry, I'm sorry man... I have to go" he stuttered and ran off in another directionA couple girls half way down the hall giggled and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and started walking down the hall. So this is the fun part about being me. Half the guys are scared of me, half are jelouse, many girls are nervous around me,  and some girls are head over heels for me. I suppose it's nice having a ton of girls crushing on my, but then again it's annoying. One time a group of them attempted to stalk me around the school, but I outsmarted them and got away. You see this school is very old, like almost 1800 though it was partly remodled. The one part they didn't remodle, the part they didn't know about was the secret passage ways inbetween the walls. I guess it was used a long time ago to evacuate students in emergencies, though I don't know why really. I sat down in my seat and waited for the first day of school to go by. 

"Good morning class, happy first day of school! My name is Mrs. Applebee and I am your sciece teacher, whoo!" Mrs. Applebee exclaimed. 

"I think your all going to love me as a teacher, and I'm sure school district 12's new student will love me too!" she exclaimed again. I groaned internally, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to stand this teacher, and I wonder if it's going to be some guy acting all tough to end up afraid of me or some girl  either in love or afraid of me.  

"What's so happy about the first day of school?" I asked. A few people snickered, some gave me serious looks.

"Course you like school, so why don't you stop starring at me and look up at the teachers" I snapped at the people giving me serious looks, the ones that snickered laughed. 

"come on in" the teacher sung. Clearly she didn't hear me asking a question, but what do I care. I don't care about any one or any thing. 

-New Student-

My heart was racing from my nervousness. I was lucky enough to get a transfer from my old school. There were many alcoholics and smokers there that had gangs. I had only one friend and she died in a car accident, her drunk friend drove the car off the side of the highway on the way back from a casino. I was praying that this school would be nothing like my last, corupted school.

"Come on in" I heard the teacher sing. Well at least the teacher doesn't sound drunk or mean I thought cheerfully. I took a deep breath and entered the class room.

"Class this is apples" the teacher said.

"Um it's Peaches" I corrected her.    "That's what I said. Wait what did I say?" the teacher said. The class started laughing quietly; loud enough I could hear, but I guess the teacher couldn't. Most of the other students turned away to talk to the person next to me, but I could feel someones eyes on me. There was a guy in the back with brown hair, and blue eyes. As soon as I looked at him he looked away, and started to read a book. I felt nervous, he seemed.... odd somehow.

"Peaches Archer go sit next to Joshua, Joshua raise your hand" Mrs. Applebee said. Joshua looked up. Great it's that guy I thought feeling uneasy. Hesitantely I took a seat beside him. The same nervousness that I felt when around a drunky or a tobaco, or worse, adict washed over me. I didn't smell weed, nor did he seem drunk, so I don't know why I feel afraid around him. There's something weird about him. He looked up from his book at me. I blushed and realized I'd been starring, and quickly looked away.

"Allright time for a fun day of class to begin! Yay!" the teacher exclaimed. Joshua groaned and put his head down on the desk. I don't know about him, but I think I'm going to like this teacher. I smiled happily. The first half of the school day went pretty slow and I had most of my classes with Joshua so far, and I spent a lot of time guessing things about him based on my nervousness around him. Maybe he's a drunk or tobaco adict with mints to hide the smell. No I'd smell the tobaco on his clothes, and he would be drunk no if he were a drunky. Maybe he' psyco or a murderer or some dangerous criminal. I know there's some reason I feel like he's dangerous, but I can't figure it out. I guess I'll figure it out later.


Hey tell me what you think. If you didn't like it I promise it'll get better later in the book. :-)

Summer512 ;-)

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