Low Signal

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When I woke up, I felt strange. My first thoughts were of Luke. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and focus on getting ready for school. I put on a paire of dark denim jeans and a pink t-shirt that said 'I'm Sweet' and I had a peach on the back. I wonder if Luke will like what I'm wearing.... Wait why am I thinking about Luke so much!?!?! I swiped on a little chapstick and mascra, the usual make-up, and hurried out the door. Outside the snow swirled around furiously. Wait I forgot a coat! I raced back in with only five minutes before I had to be at the school, and then back outside. I wore a soft grey coat, with fur lining the end of my sleaves, neck line and hood. It went down slightly pass my waist. I loved the coat because it was soft and it was a christmas present from an old friend. I sighed sadly. I put my cold hands in my pockets and hurried to school. I had about a minute to be inside before the doors locked by the time I reached the school. I saw Luke pull into the parking lot. He saw me and smiled. I want to be with him I thought. I froze in one spot, and starred like a startled deer. It took a few seconds until my feet finaly moved me towards him.


I smiled at Peaches. She looked so nice in the coat she wore, her hair blowing back from the icy winds. Come here I thought. She froze, and wouldn't move, but eventually came to me.

"Hey" she said smiling.

"We better hurry inside" I told her. I drapped my arm around her waist and we walked inside the warm school building. I feel so special I read her thoughts. A few girls looked up from their lockers and glared at her. Look proud I thought. Peaches put her head on my shoulder and smiled earning her more glares from the girls. I laughed silently.

"Well I better go to my locker, see you in class" I told her. I left her and walked to my locker. The sad part about my lockers locations was it two lockers away from his. I glared at him, my eyes surely full of hate, but he appeared to be ignoring which made my anger boil to the surface. Hate you Joshua I thought. Feelings mutual not leave me alone I read his thoughts. Suddenly I felt a powerfull force in my mind, he forced me out of this thoughts. I smirked, probably something to hide. He slamed his locker door shut earning him upset looks from teachers.


I hate him, I hate him, I'm going to rip his head off, I hate him. I laughed at the cruel thought of tearing his head off. Fun.... hehe I thought. After I slammed my locker shut I headed off to class. Peaches sat in the usual spot reading a book 'The Silver Kiss'. Stupid girl, reading vampire books. I thought.

"Hi Joshua, having a good day?" she asked me. What the hell? 

"No" I replied truthfully. I put my arms crossed in front of my chest and looked away.

"Why, something wrong?" she asked. Where on this wretched world do I start? 

I sighed, "Lets see, I'm in a school full of love-sick girls and people I despise, the teachers drive me nuts with their attitudes, and I never get a break from playing 21 questions" I said looking at her when mentioning 21 questions.

"So your tired of the people and you just don't lie expressing yourself" she said. I sighed, she really knows how to piss me off I thought. 

"Sorry" she whispered. Oopps, did I say that outloud? Hehehe oopsy! 


Sorry taking a small break from this chapter, just wanted to put up a little more :-)



I sighed, she was never going to give me a break! What? Why? That's the first word I hear out of her mouth more questions! 

I put my head in my hands and shook my head while saying,"Why won't you just leave me along?" I asked her. She shrugged. Finally peace and quiet for my fragile.... quiet for my tense nerves. I thought. 

"Good morning class!" Mrs. Applebee said joyfull. 

"Aw someone put me out of my misery" I muttered. A few students heard, but ignored. 


"Aw someone put me out of my misery" Joshua muttered. I honestly felt bad for him, he may not want to admit it, but he was definetely hurting. My thoughts driffted once of twice to my 'late' bestfriend. She had been hurting, but she hadn't listened to me. I should have made her listen, and now look happened. I then noticed I had tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"Peaches dear are you allright?" the teacher asked. The class turned around to stare.

"Yes Mrs. Applebee I'm just fine" I lied, my cheeks heating up. I sighed guietly when the teacher went back to teaching and the students went back to half paying attention, and half distracting themselves. I wiped away my tears and tried to pay attention to the teacher. The rest of the day went on so slow for once. I was down in the dumps when ever I thought about my best friend. Italian History/Language came around eventualy. A blonde haired bow imediately caught my hey. I waved to him and smiled. I just felt so happy when I saw him. 

"Hey beautifull" he said, his blue eyes sparkling.

"Hey" I said as I kissed Lukes cheek. I smiled at him and blushed. I should probably sit down now I thought, though the though didn't feel like my own thought. I sat down next to Luke. 

"Hello class, today we are learning basic words" the teacher announced.

"ciao studenti" the teacher said. "that means hello students" she translated. She passed out a list of  words in english and italian. I looked the list up and down.

bye/ hello : ciao; I don't feel well : non mi sento bene; no mi piace : I don't like__; I like : piace__; I want : voglio

That was a quarter of the page, I didn't feel like reading the rest. I want to go out with Luke I thought, once again the thought didn't feel like my own.

"Hey Luke?" I whispered. Luke looked in my direction and tapped the side of his head. Oh right. So do you want to go out with me later? He nodded his head. Yippee! I thought, my happiness soared. I don't know why I felt so happy about going out with him. Oh well, nothing to be nervous about because I have a date with him!!!!

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