The Burns of Love and Hate

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"Joshy!" called one of my 'fans'. I groaned, what could they possibly want?

"I heard Luke and Peaches are dating" one of them said.

"So with him out of the picture want to go have some fun with us?" one of the girls giggled. 

"No, simply no" I replied. My once calm, cool mood turning another direction. I disappeared around the corner and slipped into one of the secret passage ways in the school.

"But Joshy!" they called after me, but to late. My mood was turning sour, and the last thing I wanted to do was kill a couple of human girls; no matter how bad I wanted to.


When I woke up, I dressed and headed out the door. I wore a very short skirt and a t-shirt. All I wanted to do was please Luke. I'm sure he'll find me in this skirt very attractive. Everything about today looked perfect because it was Luke picked me up for school, we made out in his car before entering the school.  I felt amazing with him by my side.

--Me on the Inside--

I woke up in this room, this empty cold room. It looked like I was inside my own two eyes. Everything seemed to be like me, only I couldn't control myself. Something else was. I instantly remember yesterday when Luke drank my blood, and had complete control over me. I felt horrible. Luke seemed so amazing, but he was no where near it. On rare occasions I felt my will power strengthen, but Luke was always around when it did making it weaken. He had his arm drapped around my body, and was kissing my cheek.

"You are all mine, my sweet beautifull princess" he whispered. My body giggled automaticly. No one was in the school, I could hear some girls giggling down the hallway. Oh how I desperatly wanted to  cry out for help. Luke started kissing me, his eyes full of love and lust as he did so. 

"I love your lips and I love the way your body feels against mine" he breathed. I couldn't move no matter how much I was screaming mentaly. My body was controlled by something much more powerful than my will power. I watched in horror as he pulled my possesed body into the janitors closet and locked the door. Luke, still kissing me, felt up and down my body. His hands roaming my chest under my shirt. I felt a burning sensation in my chest. I tried to scream in pain and furry, but could not. Luke removed his and my shirt, exposing our bare chests. He continued to grind his body up against mine, there was a bulge in the front of his jeans.

"I won't take you yet my sweet. I can sense your discomfort still, but you'll warm up to the idea. Once you are bond to me completely" Luke whispered. He kissed my neck forcefully. I could feel his fangs  graze arcoss my neck. Forcefully he sank his fangs into my neck. My mouth opened to scream, but I only gasped and a small shriek came out. Once he finished feeding off of me, he pulled me out of the janitors closet. When we exited, much to my suprise, Joshua was glarring at me. Luke glared back at him. What suprised me the most was what I saw in Joshua's eyes. It wasn't the usual hate, or angry look, not the 'go away' glare. He looked hurt and sad, vulnerable. My mouth opened to speak, I could feel my will power strengthen. Luke kissed my cheek. 

"Mine" he growled at Joshua. Luke looked at Joshua with so much hate it burned clearly in his eyes.

"Yeah, so stay away" I heard myself say in the same tone as Luke.

"Like I care" Joshua hissed and walked away. I could tell he was hurt still, still sad. This was all my fault. Class began as usual, I was so greatfull when orchestra came around. No Luke around. I stepped into the orchestra room and nearly collapsed to the side. My body felt weak, but it was regaining its strength.

"What's wrong with you?" Joshua hissed at me.

"Nothing" I lied. His blue eyes turned black rimmed with red.


I could feel it. The pull I just can't deny, and it burned like crazy. I could see the mark on her neck, Lukes love bite. Class began, and I was fighting to keep myself under control. Peaches kept glancing over at me, looking slightly sorry. Nah, she was probably trying to get on my nerves. I was so glad when school ended.

"Listen Joshua, there's something you should know" Peaches began.

"Get away from me. I don't want to hear your dating Luke, I don't want your pity or your sympathy. No just stay the fuck away from me" I snapped.

"Hey! Don't yell at her" Luke snapped, he drapped his arm around her. My whole body burned when he touched her. She looked up at him smiling, her smile genuinly warm and happy, and her eyes empty. What ever, ignored that last fact.

"I yell at who ever I want to when ever I want to" I yelled at him. Everyone turned and starred. Like I care, I stormed out of the school. I ran as fast as any vampire could back to the castle.

"Good evening sir" said the guards as they opened the tall wooden doors. I grabbed the nearest one and slammed his body up against the stone wall. My fangs lengthened, and I sank them savagely into his neck. He opened his mouth to scream, but before he could I had already killed him. I ended up killing two of my four guards. I walked past the remaining guards and sat in the living room. I know I don't care for love, or sympathy, or compassion. After seeing Peaches with Luke I think.... I think... I love-


Haha not finishing what he was saying. 

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