Connection Complete

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I felt so close to Peaches, like we had a special bond. I sighed. Once school ended for the day I wrapped my arms around her waist and walked with her out to my car. I loved how Peaches blushed when I pulled her close and I enjoyed the jelouse glares shot my way. That's right, she's all mine and no body elses and I'll stay with her I thought grinning. I opened the door for her and then sat down in the drivers seat.

"So where are we going?" she asked. 

"A walk, I know a great place to go" I said. After driving away from town for half an hour I turned right onto a dirt road. Peaches looked out of the window at the beautifull sights around us now. Once I parked the car we started walking down the hiking trail.

"Come on this way" I said.

"But it's off the trail" she complained. So? 

"So, I said to follow me" I said in a slightly more commanding voice. Her eyes became dull and darker.

"Great I'd love to" she said happily. 

"Great" I said rubbing my hand up and down her arm. Her eyes changed again, they went back to the way they used to be; bright and happy looking. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" she asked uncertain.

"Of course, just look ahead"  I told her feeling a bit frustrated. She looked away from me and gasped at the sight, a beautifull meadow. She quickly pulled away from me and ran out to get a better look. Flowers of all colors bloomed at our feet. 

"Isn't it beautifull?" she asked me.

"It is only when I'm not looking at you" I lied, she giggled at my compliment. Truth is, the scene before me, the beautifull meadow wasn't beautifull at all. I cared nothing for nature. Psshh nature was meant to be run down with a bulldozer! I thought. I frowned, I was starting to feel a bit of pain in my throat. 

"Peaches look at me" I told her. She looked at me. I looked her deep in the eyes.

"You really are beautifull" I said. She blushed a deep shade of pink. Now! While her emotions block out her will I thought urgently.

"Offer your blood to me Peaches, let me use it as mine" I commanded. Her eyes went dull and dark and she looked down at her own to feet.

"No" she replied.

"Come on sweety, my beautifull girl. Just offer your blood" I repeated.


I felt my will power slipping. What was going on? His words were so commanding I wanted to obey. No I'll be strong! I thought. My will to not give in began to sky rocket. I wasn't going to obey, I wouldn't. I don't know exactly what was happening, but I don't give in to peer pressure so easily. I smiled, I felt like I was on top of the world.

"Offer your blood to me Peaches, let me use it as mine" Luke repeated. That was it, all the will power I had. Gone. 

"I offer my blood to you, use it as yours" I said. All the sudden I felt as if my body wasn't my own, it felt as if a giant hand had grabbed me and was crushing me. I closed my eyes and when I reopened them all I was was nothingness. It was like I was in an empty room. I sat down stared at the mirror like window in front of me. It was amazing, I could see myself and Luke. 

"Luke!" I yelled hit the mirror-like window repeatedly, but nothing I did worked. I watched as Luke captured my lips with his and kissed me passionetly.

"Nooo!!!!" I yelled, I didn't want him any more. He did this to me!

"I knew you'd agree with me" he whispered as he sank his fangs inot my body's neck.  


At last, I'd have my darling little princess. I could feel her emotions and hear her thoughts now. She fell over after I fed from her. I sat down and laid her on top of me. A few minutes later her eyelids fluttered open. 

"So your awake finaly" I chuckled.

"What happened?" she asked me as she rubbed her eyes.

"You fell asleep" I told her. Comfortable? I asked her metaly. Yes, wait who is this? She replied mentaly. Me, Luke. Comfortable on me? I aske her again. She looked up at me and blushed. Before she could pull away I pulled her closer and capture her lips with my own. Mmmmm.... soft, kissable lips she thought. That's right baby enjoy it I thought. I closed of my thoughts from her, so she wouldn't hear my thoughts. Enjoy it baby because your a vampires princess, forever mine. She was so beautifull in my arms. I was almost certain that I was in love with her, and I'd love her forver.


So what do you think of Luke now? What did you think of him before?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter 


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